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Getting a wave


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I set up a tunze nano wavebox on my 90 gal. It must have a older controller because it's not like the ones I see on YouTube where there's an auto setting. This one just has one dial. I can get a good wave for a few seconds but it quickly goes away and you can't even tell I have it in there. Any ideas?

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are your other powerheads maybe disrupting the wave? what direction do you have it pointing? Ive heard point it length wise is the best way to get it to a standing wave. Roland's wavebox pumps out a serious wave if I recall correctly, he might be a good person to ask?

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its hard to tune it for a wave with the dial type controller, I did it for years but 2 yrs ago I put in the controller that u use a laptop to dial it in and it is way easier. If you have and internal overflow box it will hinder the wave action. I have 2 6105s one on each end at 100% power facing at a 45 degree angle to the front glass and a full size wavebox facing the length of the tank and I can tune mine to a really big wave. I DONT have an internal overflow box. With the dial u have to go slow to get it tuned in, I mean if u think u moved it u DID. If its a 4' tank it will probly only make about a 1/2"-3/4" wave.

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Ditto what offroaddodge said, that manual controller is a pain. You barely touch it and you changed the frequency. I speak from direct experience, I still have one!

Once you get a solid wave, just sit there and wait for a couple minutes and wait to see if it sustains. I have noticed that when it doesn't sustain, increasing the speed just a bit gets me to that magic frequency.

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You can hit up Roger at Tunze. The repair facility is located up north off 35/Braker area. I think someone off the club bought a digital controller unit off of him for @$50. That will probably be your best resource or you can probably have one of the LFS order it for you. I know Aquatek carries Tunze.

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I've got mine setup with the dial, no need to pay to upgrade unless you want to. You need to turn the dial all the way down, then make a TINY turn, wait 10 seconds, then another TINY turn, continue this process. It will be obvious when the wave starts to form. Once it does keep making turns until you get the wave size you want or the wave size starts to diminish. I'm happy to swing by and help if you need it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How's the noise on these? I'm seriously considering dumping my vortechs as they're just too loud. This was my next choice.

It's a different kind of noise. The tunes have more of a click and woosh. The ecotechs are more of a whining whirr.

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How's the noise on these? I'm seriously considering dumping my vortechs as they're just too loud. This was my next choice.

It's a different kind of noise. The tunes have more of a click and woosh. The ecotechs are more of a whining whirr.

The tunze also has a dial on the power box to where you can adjust the current. With it full on my pump makes a distinct whirrrrr noise. With it turned down halfway it's barely audible and still delivers the wave I want.

Glad to hear you have it working Kim, how do you like it?

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I'm liking it so far! It's really really quiet and I can barely hear it over the overflow noise, which isn't too bad. And what was surprising is the overflow is a lot quieter with the wave!

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As I have lost much of my hi-frequency hearing due to loud industrial power plants, I enjoy the low frequency noise of the drains in my tanks. For me, it makes for good background noise.

From having been around large industrial systems, sound frequency is a paramount diagnostic tool. On start up of new sites, ultrasonic frequency test are done on each piece of equipment. More importantly, one recognizes changing sounds as indicators of changing conditions on equipment.

Without a doubt, circulation is the least talked about and IMO, the easiest & least expensive parameter to enhance. You go girl with your wave.

When I get my overhead Carlson surge, we will have wave wars.


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