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DSA 105g Rimless Build


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This will be the ongoing log of my rimless DSA 105g and frag system build. I will update this over the next 2 months as the build progresses.

Equipment list

(*) Indicates I already own the item


  • DSA 105 Gallon Rimless display *
  • Custom 50 Gallon sump drilled for external return *
  • Drilled 40 Gallon breeder frag tank *
  • Drilled 55 Gallon rubbermaid liverock holding tank
  • Drilled 20 Gallon long fuge *
  • 55 gallon rodi topoff drum.*
  • Reeflo Snapper - Main system flow
  • 2 - WP25's - Display tank flow *
  • 2 - Hydor Korelia 2 - Frag tank flow *
  • 1 - Hydor Korelia 7 - Liverock tank flow
  • 1 - Hydor Korelia Nano - Fuge tank flow *
  • 1 - Maxi-jet 400 - Topoff pump *
  • Display tank - 2 150w HQI MH, 8x54w T5HO.*
  • Sump - 6.5k CFL.*
  • Frag tank - 1 36" 15K BML, 1 36" Super Actinic BML *
  • Fuge - 6.5k CFL*
  • BRS Dual Reactor*
  • SWC 160 Cone Skimmer *
  • Neptune Apex*
  • Autotopoff.com Topoff *
  • SCWD *
  • Cerameco man made rock for display *
  • BRS Reef saver for sump and fuge *
  • Only dry rock will move into the liverock holding tank
  • Aragonite special grade reef sand for entire system *
Current Livestock *
  • Picasso Clown
  • Yellow Tang
  • Blue Chromis
  • Diamond Sleeper Goby
  • Royal Gramma
  • Pink Cucumber
  • Cleaner Shrimp x2
  • Peppermint Shrimp x2
  • Darwin False Percula Clown
  • Green Palu Nepthea
  • Purple Mushrooms
  • Neon Green Leather
  • Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoas
Water Change Station
  • 2 - 55g barrels*
  • Custom Stand
  • Mag 9.5
  • 150w Heater *
  • BRS 6-Stage RODI CLH+ 150GPD.*
Quarantine System
  • 2 - 40 Breeders, 1 Drilled
  • Custom Stand
  • 24" 15k BML
  • Old Mag 7 *
  • Old Skimmer *
  • Old Reactors *
  • NEW Heater *
The plan this time is to focus on getting more color into the system, As well as setting everything up right from the beginning this go around. The entire system will be run off the single Snapper with a extensive expandable manifold, I like the SCWD and will be using my current one to split flow between the fuge and frak tanks and picking up 1 more for the new display. Still thinking about stocking plans, But there will be buku SPS, I also plan on growing some mangroves out of the display fuge. EVERYTHING will be dipped and QT'd from here on out. Also cleaning out a closet for a little "Lab" area like I have wanted since day one. I already have everything marked with a * on the list and will be getting the rest over the next 2 months, I still need alot but have a very good start. This will be a slow build, But one with many updates!

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Concerns?


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  • 1 month later...

Got a large BRS order in and picked up the lighting for the display, I scored 2 4x54w T5HO retro kits for $100 and 2 150w MH pendants for $50. I decided against going LED as I miss the MH shimmer and T5 color. I will keep my current BML fixtures for the frag tank.

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I get shimmer with my current LEDs but nowhere near what a MH lamp creates. And the best SPS systems I have seen with my own two eyes have been MH/T5 or pure T5. I also had much better color and growth on the few SPS I have kept so far with MH over LEDs, lighting being the only variable on the tank (other than more experience on my part). I thought about LEDs for accent lighting with the MH and I may still try that as I have a super actinic bml I can try.

The 2 150s will go into a very simple rectangular floating canopy. And this brings me to a question, with my focus being to high light corals, with a 21" deep tank, would the 2 150s and both retro kits in the canopy be too much light? I have read of up to 1300 watts over 100 gallons for SPS, It would be 2x150w MH and 8x54w T5HO So 732w total. Hanging ~8" above water line.

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Do you know how long the tank is off the top of your head? I totally agree with the fact that all the tanks I have seen sps look better under t5. I really want to get kessils again but I want to try my hand with t5 as well. I think if you have 2mh lamps and 8t5 bulbs you might have to invest in a chiller lol

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The tank is 48"x24"x21"H The total water volume will be about 250 gallons and only the display and frag tank will be lit. I also plan on running at 80℉ so we will see if I can get away with fans only. A chiller is not a big deal to add if needed. There will also be a 8" air gap between the tank and canopy, with fans pulling up and away from the water as to direct less heat into the water.

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  • 2 years later...

Well this tank ran amazing for 2 years. Since then I finished school and moved out of my parents house. I had to down size to a 65g since I am on the 2nd floor. I kinda forgot about the site what with opening a shop and all. Will make a new thread tomorrow. The new tank is just now ready for serious stocking.

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Well this tank ran amazing for 2 years. Since then I finished school and moved out of my parents house. I had to down size to a 65g since I am on the 2nd floor. I kinda forgot about the site what with opening a shop and all. Will make a new thread tomorrow. The new tank is just now ready for serious stocking.

Hit up C4 this weekend Benny to jumpstart your stocking. Just register online to attend and start snapping up frags from the vendors there.

Good to you back online again.

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