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My copper banded butterfly died the other day because it stuck it's nose up a powerhead and couldn't get out.

I'd been on the fence about ordering some new fish from liveaquria but couldn't get enough other folks to join in to get the free shipping. With the addition of a replacement CBB I hit the free shipping mark. Here's what I got:

Lyretail Hogfish

Orange Back Wrasse

Copper Band Butterfly

Yellow Bellied Regal Tang

Here's a few pics. The tang is being shy. He's absolutely tiny and disappeared into the rock and hasn't come out yet.






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I have no anemones in that tank. I'm semi keeping it FOWLR. I have some GSP in there and might throw in some zoas at some point but nothing I'm super attached to.

The orange back was $60 and yes I'm worried about jumping. The melenarus wrasse has been chasing him a bit. Not too aggressive and I'm sure it will settle down in a day or two but the orange back goes for the surface pretty regularly. I have a glass lid of 80% of the tank and am adding eggcrate to the remaining portions today.

The only one I'm really worried about is the regal tang. Haven't seen him since he was added. It's a bit tank (130) with lots of hiding spots but I'd like to see him.

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Very nice additions! Give the tang a few days to get settled, tangs can be pretty shy. It took my yellow eye kole a few months before he was comfortable swimming around with people in front of the tank.

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I tough the butterfly fish might pick on anemones, maybe you don't have any, can you confirm?

I added a butterfly to my tank two weeks ago. So far I've not seen him bother my RBTAs, GBTAs, tube anemones (2), rock anemones (2), or condy. I'm hoping he'll deal with the few aiptaisia I have, and possible the billion micro-feathers.

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