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Some cool finds while collecting in Port A (More pics added)

Chad and Belinda

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Belinda, the kids and I are down in Port A. Went to the north jetti and managed to bring in a few nice finds (courtesy of a buddy of mine since I kept getting Sgt. Majors. hahaha). three damsels and a butterfly post-398-0-79353900-1374095439_thumb.jpe post-398-0-28083100-1374095442_thumb.jpe Also caught this oyster frog fish off the pier in our back yard...really fugly... post-398-0-58275700-1374095483_thumb.jpe post-398-0-92414300-1374095487_thumb.jpe

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The damsels are Beau Gregory's, Stegastes leucostictus. They're pretty as juveniles but the adults are very drab and very aggressive. The butterfly is a juvenile Sptfin, Chaetodon ocellatus, the second stripe across it's dorsal fin, base of the tail fin and anal fin disappears as it matures to just a spot on the dorsal fin. Pretty fish!

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Timfish is correct on both fish.

We went snorkeling off the north jetty yesterday. They can be found between the granite boulders. I saw the biggest Sgt Major in my life while I was down there. It was about the size of a plate.

Today we went and threw out a seine net. I'll post pics shortly. I couldn't believe what we managed to find.

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Thats a pretty nice haul, hopefully you left the frog fish behind haha!

I didn't even want to touch it. It was late at night when it hit my line. You never know what your going to pull in at the coast so I'm always pretty excited when I get a strike. My excitement went south when I got him on the dock. The only thing I wanted to know was how to get him off my hook without getting a finger bitten off with those teeth of him and what the hell was it.

MAAST member said he used to keep one in his tank. He and his wife said it was a cool addition to their (I assume predator) tank.

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15 mini seahorses


3 snappers


lots of pipefish of all sizes


3 oyster frogfish (yes, the funky looking fish I caught the other night).


1 decorator crab


Also got several blennies as well (several different sizes). I got a few more I'll post tomorrow. One is of my favorite find of all. I'll tell y'all about it tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep.

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15 mini seahorses


3 snappers


lots of pipefish of all sizes


3 flounders


3 oyster frogfish (yes, the funky looking fish I caught the other night).


1 decorator crab


Also got several blennies as well (several different sizes). I got a few more I'll post tomorrow. One is of my favorite find of all. I'll tell y'all about it tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep.

see! I wasn't lying on the phone. There are seahorse and pipes! SO awesome you caught those!!!

Now, catch one of the cats ;) (It's gonna take a bigger net)

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15 mini seahorses


3 snappers


lots of pipefish of all sizes


3 flounders


3 oyster frogfish (yes, the funky looking fish I caught the other night).


1 decorator crab


Also got several blennies as well (several different sizes). I got a few more I'll post tomorrow. One is of my favorite find of all. I'll tell y'all about it tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep.

see! I wasn't lying on the phone. There are seahorse and pipes! SO awesome you caught those!!!

Now, catch one of the cats wink.png (It's gonna take a bigger net)

Ok, so I'll admit it. I thought you were nuts. Lol JK I never, EVER thought I would catch a seahorse...let alone 15!!!! Now, if I could just catch a few puffers like the ones you get I'll be a happy camper.

I'm still trying to get Belinda to believe that a bobcat isn't going to come out of the woods and attack us!!!

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15 mini seahorses


3 snappers


lots of pipefish of all sizes


3 flounders


3 oyster frogfish (yes, the funky looking fish I caught the other night).


1 decorator crab


Also got several blennies as well (several different sizes). I got a few more I'll post tomorrow. One is of my favorite find of all. I'll tell y'all about it tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep.

see! I wasn't lying on the phone. There are seahorse and pipes! SO awesome you caught those!!!

Now, catch one of the cats wink.png (It's gonna take a bigger net)

Ok, so I'll admit it. I thought you were nuts. Lol JK I never, EVER thought I would catch a seahorse...let alone 15!!!! Now, if I could just catch a few puffers like the ones you get I'll be a happy camper.

I'm still trying to get Belinda to believe that a bobcat isn't going to come out of the woods and attack us!!!

I swear to you they won't. I've tried baiting them to me, I've tried walking to them, I've tried throwing fish at them. They are scaredy cats!

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had no idea port a had this much diversity, very cool

The list keeps going. I'm still not done posting nor am I done collecting. There are a few that I came here to get that I haven't caught yet. I'm trying to find time to go snorkeling with a buddy of mine at the south jetty. That's where a few of the ones I'm looking for hang out. The visibility has been pretty poor but am hoping it will clear up a little.

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