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Bubble Algae ya?


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I got this piece of candy cane when I picked up my long tentacle today and it looks like it's got some bubble algae on it. I've got an emerald crab which I think are supposed to dine on that. Anything else I can do about it?


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saw a youtube video of a guy that used a scalpel to cut and remove it. the concern is that the spores released in the water during this will spread to other parts of the tank. he used a small (1/4") siphon hose to collect the spores as they were released. i don't remember if he rubberbanded the hose to the scalpel or used it in is free hand. i don't remember the name, but a search for "removing bubble algae" ought to narrow it down.

but you are right that emerald crabs are supposed to eat it, but not all do, apparently. i have also heard arguments that the emerald crabs don't siphon the spores as they shred the algae, so perhaps that is not so much of a concern. i don't know the answer to that, so perhaps the siphon is a good practice for the what-if aspect.

good luck.

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I suppose I could just take it out and put it in a bowl and remove all the algae there, rinse it in a fresh bowl, and put it back in the DT. I could also put it in my QT and try to remove it all there.

Edited by Wade
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if it is only on that rock, then removing it in the bowl seems like a good idea. then maybe put it in QT for a while to make sure it doesn't come back or spread in the DT. but, that may be wrong. i don't know much, it just seems logical to me.

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Thanks man. I don't know much about bubble algae either. it's just on this one piece. I'm guessing that's it's not going to spread all over the place in a day, so I'll wait until several ring in with their suggestions.

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Thanks man. I don't know much about bubble algae either. it's just on this one piece. I'm guessing that's it's not going to spread all over the place in a day, so I'll wait until several ring in with their suggestions.

oh, i see how you are. don't trust my opinion with my handful of weeks experience....:). probably a good call.

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i had about ten tiny bubbles and i did nothing about it.....i now have it EVERYWHERE.....i bought emeralds...they were a joke and slowly died off

i would remove it immediately and use the bowl suggestion....i can't say that it is necessarily hurting anything in my tank, but it is awfully ugly and it gets in all of my pumps and powerheads

you don't want to wait...unless you don't mind having it everywhere

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In addition to taking the coral out like you said and physically removing the bubble algae youcould then give the coral a 2 minute dip in a 5 - 1 ratio of aquarium water to hydrogen peroxide. Don't over do it, corals really do not like H2O2.

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Ok I pulled it out and put it into the QT. I'll deal with the bubble algae tomorrow. On a side note, the long tentacle has decided to let go and drift around the tank. I tried to encourage it to stay where I wanted it with a piece of shrimp. It ate it promptly and then went for a swim. Weeeeee!

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Emerald Crabs will eat bubble algae when they are hungry. If there is more desirable macro, they graze where they want to. The same goes for Peppermint Shrimp.

If you find bubble algae ugly then do what Tim suggested with hydrogen peroxide.

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Emerald Crabs will eat bubble algae when they are hungry. If there is more desirable macro, they graze where they want to. The same goes for Peppermint Shrimp.

If you find bubble algae ugly then do what Tim suggested with hydrogen peroxide.

Maybe that is why emeralds always worked for me... I don't feed my tank that often :)

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I've had a few patches of bubble algae here and there. I'm telling myself not to panick. It's literally been one nuisance algae after another. Never all at once. Cyano, then Dino, then green hair. Killed all those with time, patience, and water quality. Now I'm seeing some bubble algae. The others bloomed then went away. Kind of hopin this will too. Heard too many horror stories of emerald crabs going after corals of all kinds zoas up to sps

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The bubbles are relatively easy to pop off. Remove it in a separate container though so if something pops you don't have to worry about it spreading. If you get everything off you should be fine.

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Ok. I removed the bubbles and some other purplish algae that was on it and gave it a 30 second H2O2 dip, a rinse and back in the DT. Looks clean now. Thanks all for your help.

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