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150g Indio-Pacific Biome

Sascha D.

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Oh that's depressing! I guess I'm still fighting my vacation...

I had to do some serious cleaning today. I pulled all the pumps out and cleaned then up. After that I razored all of the glass. Out looks great except for the sludge.


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I started seeing it after I increased my photoperiod earlier this week. I'm going to start by reducing the intensity of the lights and reducing the period and see where that gets me.

Anyone have a problem getting their Jebao or Korlia pumps going again after plugging them back in? I took them out for cleaning and now neither pump started when I plugged then back in.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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I'm not sure what happened to them but I had the same thought Ty. I opened then up and took a peek inside. They were on the track and clean so I closed them and tried again. Success!

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Glad I could indirectly help! [emoji106]
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LOL Ty! I'm just glad they started back up!

I have met some really awesome people over the last few weeks, but I have decided to clear the frag racks and then sell them off. I may look into some different options, like converting the sump into a frag tank or plumbing a separate frag tank into my main tank.

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Hey Ty, the dinos are receding after I made my adjustments! I reduced my lighting period by one hour and turned down my LEDs by 20% (Back to what they were before the change). To add more light I'm going to add a third LED unit. I probably should have done it from the start but I wanted to experiment to see if two units were enough for a tank my size.

My CUC has all died off so I'm going to refresh it. I want a cucumber to replace the one my pump ate and then throw in some snails. I may consider doing a group buy for next week.

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It's melting away but not completely gone yet. Normally it takes a week or two for dinos and cyano to go dormant again. Reefcleaners.org says they won't ship anything until 12/29/14 so that leaves me a week to see whats going on.

Nothing eats dinos so a new crew wouldn't solve it. I would like something to help with the detrius though.

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Well, I'm thinking of adding fish to the system. As most of you know my Powder Blue Tang is a monster! I'm not sure the risk is worth the reward. I could probably get a wrasse or other smaller fish in there without much trouble. If I want a tang or larger fish then that's a whole new story.

Here's my current stock list:

  • Powder Blue Tank, 4"
  • Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel Adult
  • Melanurus Wrasse - Adult
  • Blue Chromis x9
  • Pearly Jawfish
  • Leopard Wrasse, 3" juvenile

Here's what I'm considering:

Tangs - Naso get too large, Hippo are out because I have so many blue fish already, Sohol too aggressive, Clown has too many requirements, Scopas and Flameback are not interesting and all of the rest are too expensive to consider.

  • Yellow Tang
  • Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
  • Desjardini Tang
  • Convict Tang


  • Starry Blenny
  • Midas Blenny
  • Leopard Wrasse - 2nd one
  • Christmas Wrasse
  • Anthias x5
  • Orchid Dottyback
  • Emperor/Regal/Blue Girdle Angelfish - Always on my list, but not sure if I'll risk the polyps!
  • Oscellaris Clownfish
  • Sand Sifting Goby
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Week 77 Update:

The New Year is upon us! It's time to reflect, rebalance and invest. Easier said than done right? innocent.gif In typical Ty fashion, he posted up a new thread about resolutions. Typically, I don't make resolutions but lately I feel like I need a list to get myself off of the couch. It'll be especially important since I just found out we're expecting in June. Any projects left undone will remain undone for...forever. Haha!

  1. Lights - I decided to add a third fixture to the tank. This means I'll need to figure out some way of mounting the lighting fixtures and Install the new lights. My wife doesn't want any wires hanging from the ceiling and I don't think my current rack will support the added weight.
  2. Clean up the wires - Right now I'm using extension cords for the LEDs. I would like to switch them to a power strip mounted on the backside of the canopy. I have some extra materials that I would like to mount the wires to and get them off of the ground.
  3. Corals - I've almost sold all of the corals that I had planned to sell. I plan to retire the frag racks after they're all gone. After that I would like to relocate the stylos to the center where they can grow big and strong.
  4. Unused Equipment - I have some equipment aside from the frag racks that I would like to sell. I don't have an inventory yet, but I need to get organized!
  5. Remodel Sump - I'm going to remodel the sump to something I've used before. I'm going to keep the same model of a three-chamber sump, but I'm going to reverse and resize some chambers. I am also going to adjust the baffle height for the skimmer and the live rock areas.
  6. Plumbing - I have one soft tube that needs to be hard plumbed. I plan on taking my existing drain pipe, converting it to hard PVC and extending it all the way to the sump floor. I'll put a cap on it and then drill holes the length of the submerged section for drainage.
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Brian motivated me to do some work. Let's dispel 2014 by starting the new year right!

New Light - this is the 3rd fixture.


After testing I did a little brain storming I decided to install a shelf into the canopy.


I busted out the saw and cut it to size. Then I cut it again...and again. I finally got the fitting just right at long last.


Now the wires, the bane of my existence.


I switched out the two extension chords that were powering the lights for a new power strip. It looks super clean mounted to the top right corner.


Ughh the equipment wires. So messy!


How many twisty ties did I use? A lot! I should mount it into the stand.


Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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