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150g Indio-Pacific Biome

Sascha D.

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Yeah that's him. I debated for a long time if I could get one because the tank is so deep. I haven't had any problems feeding him. He'll swim almost all the way to the surface for food. Probably my favorite fish

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Black Friday is coming!

Of course I'm not going to leave my house, only a fool would. You'll die out there! That doesn't mean I can't shop online. I'm rather disappointed in the "deals" this year. The best I saw was 15% off at BRS and Drs. Foster and Smith.

I've been in the market for an Apex lately. It would help streamline my calcium reactor and tell me if the temp gets out of range. I don't regularly test pH but I will have to once I turn up the CaRx as the corals get bigger. The 2nd pH probe would be nice, but requires another module and probe. Then I would need the WXM module and a Breakout Box. After all of that the bill is up there.

Anything else? Maybe some new floats for top off. I can't think of anything else, except maybe a new car! Lol!

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Almost everyone is doing a 15% off deal right now. None of them cover higher end brands or ones with MAP pricing, which typically includes neptune, ecotech, digital aquatics, bunch more.

Aqua cave only takes 2 days to ship to Austin for their economy/free shipping. That typically makes it cheaper than Amazon and you still get it in 2 days unlike BRS, DFS, MD, and others.

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The Full Apex should have two ports for running dual pH probes Sascha, you just need to buy an additional probe for it.

The breakout box is nice but you can DIY if you're handy and make one for 1/3 the price. I was going to do that but a used one came on the market and I aborted my DIY plans for that.

If you have Jaebo pumps, getting them hooked up to the Apex would be nice. Victoly can make you a cable or I believe Jaebo is selling an Apex cable these days for their pumps.

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Thanks guys. I've never used Aquacave before. I'll have to check it out. It's a shame that I can't get 15% off of it though.

Thanks for the heads up Ty. I took a closer look and see the ORP port can house a pH probe. That takes the cost down a little. The breakout box isn't that expensive, but the WXM module is up there. I guess I'll be selling more corals than I thought to cover it. hmm.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week 73:

Time to rebuild! It looks like the skimmer situation is working itself out. I contacted the manufacturer and got a replacement pump. It took about a week to break in but it's starting to turn out some skim. It turns out that I was too late on the Apex, so I'll have to wait for the next sale. It's okay, it gives me more time to build funds! Of course I had to buy something, so I decided to get another Ocean Revive S-026. I will use it on my DT, but if I decided to get a frag tank some day then it would make a good addition.

I was able to pick up some corals to cover some of the open space.

ORA Bali Slimer

ORA Red Planet

Joe the Coral

ORA Miami Orchid

ORA Tri-Color Valida

In the meantime I'll continue selling corals and condensing my list down to clear my sand bed.

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I'm actually running my skimmer pretty wet as well. I'm trying to get all of the crud out of there from my vacation. The corals look great so it must be working!

Now I just want to continue trimming down my corals before I relocate some of them to where I want them.

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Thanks Makena! You'll get there! I was glad to hear that your corals are doing well.

Funny thing, less than 10 people have seen my tank in person and half of those that have seen it haven't seen it with corals in it. For instance, Mike, Ty, Woods, and Chris haven't seen the tank in over a year. Back then it was full of Caulerpa and cyano and not a single coral. It was so embarassing!

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Lol awww I got lucky ;P sweet!

Do you still have that Shrimp/Goby pair? I remember that was the first time id seen a pair and it solidified my decision to get them.

Too bad my shrimp is a Caribbean Red Pistol Shrimp and his host is my curly cue nem >.> although I suppose thats just as fascinating

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Well a funny thing happened. The shrimp booted the goby from the hole one day. After that the goby wasn't the same and jumped out shortly after. Now my shrimp shares a den with a Pearly Jawfish. I hardly ever see the shrimp, but I hear him every day and see the freshly turned sand. The jawfish is seriously one of my top 5 fish. It's absolutely fantastic!

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Haha my pockets are not as deep as some people's. Not to mention, that I neither have the brain power or the mental fortitude to set up electronics.

Plus who would want to see my tank anyway? I don't get as much traffic on my threads as some of our local celebrities. unsure.png

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Dude, I'm all about staring at tanks. Whether it's mine or someone else's. They are all so unique.

Plus, I mainly use the webcam for my own viewing pleasure. Like time with the wife's family or when stuck in a waiting room... boom, instant access to my tank to stare at.

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Plus who would want to see my tank anyway? I don't get as much traffic on my threads as some of our local celebrities. unsure.png

All things are relative ... I'd say you are much further up the 'Needs to get a webcam real soon now' list than others ....


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You can use your shallow pockets to pay me to set you up lol

Haha shallow pockets! I'm not sure how much the webcam would cost. I hadn't even considered it until today.

Dude, I'm all about staring at tanks. Whether it's mine or someone else's. They are all so unique.

Plus, I mainly use the webcam for my own viewing pleasure. Like time with the wife's family or when stuck in a waiting room... boom, instant access to my tank to stare at.

Can you tell how many people log into your cam show?

Plus who would want to see my tank anyway? I don't get as much traffic on my threads as some of our local celebrities. unsure.png

All things are relative ... I'd say you are much further up the 'Needs to get a webcam real soon now' list than others ....


I think most of those are my replies, where I'm talking to myself. Haha!

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