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150g Indio-Pacific Biome

Sascha D.

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Any way you can switch in another pump to see if its the pump itself?

I don't have another pump, but I thought about taking the pump out and putting it another tank to see how badly it vibrates. Another option would be to plumb it directly without the manifold and see if it changes. I could also cover the vibration with a trickle of water. I tried to point my power head into the overflow but it didn't create the sound I thought that it would.

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I had a few minutes, so I installed the 450nm actinic by True Lumens. What can I say? OMG it's awesome! It looks so much better than the CoralSun bulbs!

You guys have put up with me talking so much that I thought I would take a few pictures for you.

Tank with 50/50 65k to 420nm


Tank with 4-2 actinics to 65k


Macro growth picture. I'm not sure exactly what it is.





Yellow Polyps. These got completely covered by C. Prolifera. I discovered them after I pulled it all out.


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Very nice to see your tank developing, and I love seeing the critters in two different lights. smile.png

Thank you! It's coming along. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going with this tank long-term, but I think I have a handle on it now. I've got about 3-5 corals that I'm going to sell and I think I'm going to sell some macros from the refugium to make room for a skimmer. *Crosses Fingers*

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Black Friday is almost here! I love getting a good deal. I never buy anything at full price so this week is like a kelp field to an urchin for me! grin.png

  • I've been thinking about a skimmer.
  • I returned my Phosban 150 reactor because it was horrible, so I might like a replacement. BRS reactors come highly recommended so I might get one of those. Dual or Single?
  • I've been deciding whether a biopellet reactor is right for me.
  • Lastly, I need a new circ pump if I'm going to venture into SPS. I want WP40's, but if the Korlia 3240 go on sale it'll be tempting.

Drs. Foster and Smith is having a 40% off sale from Nov 28th - Dec 2nd. They haven't disclosed what they are discounting though.

Bulk Reef Supply is having an awesome sale, 15% off nearly everything.

Home Depot is having a decent sale if you need power tools. I could use a new drill and some hole saws for completing my mixing station. The sale is $25 off a $100 or more purchase for Makita, Dewalt and Bosch. My next drill will be corded though. I'm tired of dealing with batteries. My wife is trying to talk me into a miter saw. I guess that means I have some projects coming up!

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The new mix of lights sure makes a difference! It's not nearly as yellow and looks great! Nice mix of corals too. I've had a couple BRS reactors and they are simple and sturdy, you can't go wrong with them. I vote for the dual. You have a bigger tank, and especially if you're thinking of going sps, I think you'll be very glad you did!

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If I recall correctly, you're running off of a manifold? If so, I'd do two single reactors instead of a dual. That way you can control flow to each reactor individually, as well as taking one offline without affecting the performance of the other.

With respect to circulation pumps, I'd definitely go WP40, just because of the controlability aspect. You future proof yourself somewhat if you ever decide to start using a reef controller, because the WP40 has flow that you can adjust (even without an apex) using the controller that comes with the pump. With koralias, you just get on/off functionality unless you buy their specific controller.

On to biopellets, they definitely have a pretty big cult following. There is some risk involved, such that you can overdo biopellets and strip your water. BRS makes a cartridge for tumbling BPs which you could also attach to your manifold.

And skimmers, well.... :)

You know something is fishy when your wife starts prodding you to buy power tools. Very suspicious....

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The new mix of lights sure makes a difference! It's not nearly as yellow and looks great! Nice mix of corals too. I've had a couple BRS reactors and they are simple and sturdy, you can't go wrong with them. I vote for the dual. You have a bigger tank, and especially if you're thinking of going sps, I think you'll be very glad you did!

I agree Kim. I think I'm going to replace the 65k with 14k bulbs and take out some more of the yellow. I love the daylight look but I think it needs more white. There is definitely a bug in my ear about converting to a full SPS tank. I really enjoy having fish though and I'm not sure the ultra low nutrient system is for me. There's a lot less room for error and I don't want to worry about the tank if I go out of town for a weekend.

If I recall correctly, you're running off of a manifold? If so, I'd do two single reactors instead of a dual. That way you can control flow to each reactor individually, as well as taking one offline without affecting the performance of the other.

With respect to circulation pumps, I'd definitely go WP40, just because of the controlability aspect. You future proof yourself somewhat if you ever decide to start using a reef controller, because the WP40 has flow that you can adjust (even without an apex) using the controller that comes with the pump. With koralias, you just get on/off functionality unless you buy their specific controller.

On to biopellets, they definitely have a pretty big cult following. There is some risk involved, such that you can overdo biopellets and strip your water. BRS makes a cartridge for tumbling BPs which you could also attach to your manifold.

And skimmers, well.... smile.png

You know something is fishy when your wife starts prodding you to buy power tools. Very suspicious....

Thanks for the advice. I do run off a manifold, but it vibrates so I may have to remove it or figure out how to quiet it down. I attached the manifold to the stand using metal straps and I'm thinking that is the issue. Maybe install some padding inbetween the PVC and the strap? Anyway, I have three slots on the manifold and I estimate I'm getting 200-300 gph from each of them. I am not sure if that is enough gph to run a dual reactor. I contacted BRS and I'll see what they say.

The Biopellet Reactor that BRS sells is rated for a 75g tank. I haven't seen one that holds enough media for a larger tank so you would have to run more than one reactor if you followed that recommendation. I think one would be enough.

Are you in the skimmer club? I've always run skimmers, but I thought I would try it out skimmerless first and then add one later if it was needed.

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Yeah, maybe get some pipe insulation and put that inbetween the pipe and the strap?

200-300 gph is much more than sufficient to run single reactors. I run both from an MJ1200 which is like 300 gph, and I have it throttled wayyyyy down. Granted youll be running more media than I will based off of tank size, but you should be fine.

I'm not only a member of the skimmer, I'm the president.

For BPs, as a result of your tank size you're probably right to investigate larger options.

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+1 to this. I need to do the same, I'm currently using an old sock. tongue.png

Yeah, maybe get some pipe insulation and put that inbetween the pipe and the strap?

ROFL Grog! That cracked me up!

"There is definitely a bug in my ear about converting to a full SPS tank. "

-Hey, I resent being called a bug!

Haha Ty what makes you think I am talking about you? I mean besides all of the questions and Pm's and my stalking your build thread? Whatchu got besides that? That's Right Nothin!

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Pretty sticks Sascha... you know you want them!


Ugh! Maybe, as long as my tank doesn't turn into a fruit stand. Haha!

I've kept some species of Acropora in the past, but nothing too fancy. I've never had luck with Montipora. I believe I currently have a frag of Pocillopora and it's doing pretty great. Even I'm surprised! I'm assuming the next step up would be Pavona, Seriatopora, and Stylophora. Possibly Digitata?

To keep these things I would need a reactor, possibly two, and a skimmer. I'm already on RO/DI and my temp only fluctuates 1-2 degrees each day so I don't need a heater or chiller. I'm currently running a low of 74.2 at 5 am and a high of 75.6 before lights out.

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Week 20 Update:

Black Friday has been good to me this year. Of course I didn't leave the house. Only crazy people do that! Taking an elbow to the face and getting trampled on by hundreds of housewives is not my idea of a good way to go. Plus every site has free shipping. I've been looking at different skimmers this last few weeks and when I saw the SCA-302 selling for 35% off, I had to buy it. Now where do I put it?

When I built this sump, I designed it as a 3-chamber sump with a footprint large enough for an oversized skimmer in the first chamber. I like how the design has worked so far, but I'm a little disappointed in the refugium section. In the past I've run dark sumps with the refugium chamber filled with LR. So far I haven't noticed an improvement switching to a lighted sump. About a month ago I filled the entry chamber of the sump with live rock. Since then I've noticed a decrease in noise, salt spray, detrius in the refugium, and better in surface tension. I'm not sure if I'm ready to abandon the macros yet though.

I drafted up a few designs for sumps based on my past experience and current needs. My stand isn't big enough for a tank larger than a 40g breeder so I'm limited on length. The sump needs to house a skimmer, return pump, and possibly extra LR and/or macroalgae. I may end up adding a calcium reactor, biopellet reactor or media reactor at a later date but those can be mounted externally in the stand.


A last option that I've seen is LR filter - Refugium - Skimmer / Return combination. I've seen some people have the return and skimmer in the same chamber, but measures would have to be added to keep bubbles out of the display.

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Will stuff growing in the refugium survive the ride back to the display tank through the return pumps? Like pods, etc.?

Copepods and the smaller pods do. Amphiropods that are large may or may not depending on how big your pump is. My pump is rated for 1650gph and I've seen it spit out Glass Shrimp and Amphiropods in little pieces all over the tank. Worms, Asterna Stars and Tunicates send to survive as well. The Tunicates are normally in places with high flow because they filter feed. My overflow is packed with hundreds of them. They look like tiny white Sea Apples, about the size of a dime.

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Yeah, maybe get some pipe insulation and put that inbetween the pipe and the strap?

200-300 gph is much more than sufficient to run single reactors. I run both from an MJ1200 which is like 300 gph, and I have it throttled wayyyyy down. Granted youll be running more media than I will based off of tank size, but you should be fine.

I'm not only a member of the skimmer, I'm the president.

For BPs, as a result of your tank size you're probably right to investigate larger options.

The vibrating that I'm hearing is definately from the rigid piping. I tried to add some insulation between the pipe and the strap but the straps aren't big enough to be reconnected. I would either need smaller insulation (like the stuff you get in packages sometimes), larger straps, a different mounting mechanism or remove the manifold and replace it with spa tubing.

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Black Friday has been good to me this year. Of course I didn't leave the house. Only crazy people do that! Taking an elbow to the face and getting trampled on by hundreds of housewives is not my idea of a good way to go. Plus every site has free shipping. I've been looking at different skimmers this last few weeks and when I saw the SCA-302 selling for 35% off, I had to buy it. Now where do I put it?

The skimmer only took about 6 days to receive. Unfortunately, they sent me the 301 which is rated for 65g. DOH! Luckily, the guy was cool about it and sent me a return label. Now I have to wait for the right product to get here.

I'm still undecided about the sump configuration. I think I'm going to remove the refugium and keep the chamber of LR. I can always switch it back if needed, but I notice more pods in the LR than I do in the macros so it seems like a better method. I will also increase the depth of the first chamber and add a few condos on top for my Pod Relocation Program.

I'm going to keep a few macros that I really like and trade/sell the rest.

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My skimmer came in on Saturday! I had a little time today to get it installed and boy was there some assembly required! Of course the instructions are written in hieroglyph, but I got it done. There weren't any specific instructions on water depth so I'll have to do some trial and error. Calling Customer Service was a mess. I asked three questions and ended with zero answers. They took my number and said they would call back. I believed them for the first 8 hours, but now I'm not so sure. LOL!

SCA-302 Protein Skimmer - Rated 180g


Normally I use needle wheel skimmers, but I thought I would try out my first cone since Mr. Saltwater Tank likes his. Needle wheel skimmers normally come completely assembled. This one came in parts.


The venturi comes separate from the pump. No mesh on the impeller.



My skimmers in the past had external pumps. This one has the pump inside of the body.


After much debate, I decided to go with the classic Berlin style sump. Skimmer -> Refugium -> Return. I will likely sell all of my macroalgae and go with an unlit sump. I will keep about half of my G. Hayi, A. Spicifera, G. Tik.and the myster red macro coming out of my rock.


One thing I can see that I already like about this skimmer is that there is a drain line in the collection cup. Normally that's a DIY modification done after purchase. I can see that my first chamber is too deep because the skimmer is overflowing already.

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