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65 Gallon Cube


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Tom, you can remove the plug at the end of the hose and you can then drain it into a container (I use a gallon jug). You probably have it in too much water. Either drain some water or put the skimmer on a stand so it sits higher no had the same problem when I first started using mine.

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Tom, you can remove the plug at the end of the hose and you can then drain it into a container (I use a gallon jug). You probably have it in too much water. Either drain some water or put the skimmer on a stand so it sits higher no had the same problem when I first started using mine.


Thanks. How high do you have the skimmer? Mine's sitting on the bottom of the sump. I'm using an ATO so the level in the sump is constant.

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It's on the bottom, but I have the water level in the sump only a little above half way. I'll measure in the morning and let you know but I think it's between 7 and 9 inches. You could either put something under it (like a plastic container) or take some water out and set your ATO at that level (I did the second option because it also gave me more room in the sump for additional water in case the power goes out). Others may have better ideas.

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Two weeks into adding rock; still no ammonia.

Checked Alkalinity - is at 7. That's kind of low; but probably not worth doing anything about yet.

Thinking of adding reactor to run GFO and carbon.

I've had TLF 150 before; they were okay but didn't like the rubber elbow connections. Spectrapuure looked cool in that it had 2 valves to adjust the 2 canisters' flow separately.

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Started with a Tunze 1073.02 return pump; then changed to a Mag5. Still not impressed with the flow of the return. May look for something bigger. But due to the size of the sump it has to be no wider than 3.75".

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Added a shrimp to the tank in a filter bag hanging from the Kessel. That should give me some ammonia; also added some bacteria.

Decided to replace the return pump with Sicce 3.0. This should improve my return flow. Also folks seem to think it's fairly quiet.Pump is coming tomorrow. Also went with a BRS reactor to run GFO.

Skimmer is still bubbling over; not liking this Magus Bubble Curve 5. Been running for nearly 4 weeks so don't think it's a break-in issue.

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Oh, a filter bag. That way you don't have to keep saying "pardon the rotting shrimp". Of course, your CUC won't get the lovely treat, either.

No CUC yet. What's to clean?

true, i left mine in there until the tank cycled and i added a clean up crew. so, as soon as they got in there was a ton of algae and some tasty shrimp to eat.

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Oh, a filter bag. That way you don't have to keep saying "pardon the rotting shrimp". Of course, your CUC won't get the lovely treat, either.

No CUC yet. What's to clean?

true, i left mine in there until the tank cycled and i added a clean up crew. so, as soon as they got in there was a ton of algae and some tasty shrimp to eat.

Curious as to what you added as CUC? You have a 40 gallon?

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Received a Sicce Syncra 3.0 pump yesterday. This looks identical to the Tunze line. I thought Tunze is German and Sicce is Italian; I wonder who really made either pump.

So the new pump is quiet and has more flow. I was hoping to use either the Tunze or Mag5 as a pump for a reactor. However, this sump is just too small. Will probably visit one of the LFS to get a smaller pump for the reactor. May tee of this pump for water changes.

Measured some ammonia and nitrite.How long would you leave the shrimp in?

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I got a small CUC from aquadome. I got the 10-30 gallon version and some dwarf certith snails as part of the fuge kit from subsea. I have a several hermits, nerite snails, and some other snails I don't remeber the name of.

As for how long to keep the shrimp in, there are a variety of opinions. I left mine in until it disappeared. Some say a week, some when you hit 5 to 10 ppm ammonia. It seems like personal preference.

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  • 3 weeks later...

34 Day Update

Parameters - saw an amonnia spike and a nitrite spike might have missed the nitrates. Things are at zero now.

Snail Prevent - built a egg crate cover for the area over the overflow and used a piece of mylar as a base and velcroed it to the tank.

Filter Socks - was having some difficulty with the flow through the filter socks so I removed them.

FIsh Ideas - would like to get a pair of Kauderns Cardinals to start. Liveaquaria (Divers Den) on occasion sells them as a bonded pair. So I'll start watching their web site. Anyone buy things from them? Curious how they ship live fish to Austin. Up north this is less of an issue.

CUC - went through the cycle without lights so I don't have any algae growing so no need for a CUC. Reefcleaners suggestsed this as a starter:

30 Dwarf Ceriths
16 Nassarius
26 Florida Ceriths
18 Nerites

Seems a bit much to start as there isn't anything to eat.

Any thoughts???

Stay tuned...

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way too strong of a CUC... I'd keep it simple. start with a handful of turbos and trochus snails. 100 critters in the tank is a lot of mouths to feed.. No sense paying for 100 of them, if 75% of them are going to die due to starvation. Keep up with the tanks, monitor your bioload, and you can minimize the CUC. In a 30 gallon live rock tank, I have 4 turbos and 6 trochus. The microsnails will multiply over time, and will be your real power house cleaning crew at night. Personally, I feel that turbo snails might be overkill unless you're dealing with GHA or Bryopsis. If it were my tank, I'd start with a small amount of banded trochus snails, or margarita snails or something. Then I'd monitor the rocks for growth. But you're correct, with nothing to eat, those guys are goners!

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I've ordered from divers den and they are absolutely top-notch. I've never had fish or coral packaged so well. The fish did great and ate prepared food right away. I highly recommend them.

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