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Old fungia skeleton


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On some of the live rock we just got for setting up the new tank, I noticed there is a group of at least 3 skeletons that appear to be from fungias. I know some people have had luck with a dead fungia spawning more babies off of the skeleton. Is it possible for these few to start sprouting little ones in the future?

There are at least 3 right there behind the stylophora and I know of one other on the opposite side of the rock.



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possibly, if the skeleton has never been out of water and dried out, but could possibly take up to a year for this to happen if not longer, give jeeperty a shout, i call him the fungia king, cause his fungia skeletons almost alwasys sprout babies

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Yeah, I figured it would be highly unlikely if it did happen at all. I actually had one of Ty's plates in my last 55 gallon that I lost and got another one in the 75 right now that is doing great! Just thought it would be cool if these started spouting babies!

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It can take awhile but it usually happens with in a couple of months. I don't know if this qualifies but this piece of liverock has been budding off polyps for about 8 or 9 years in theis same spot and just a few weeks ago started a second and third from this location. The third one is still very small and doesn't show well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

JeeperTy, I've been meaning to get with you and compare notes (and try to talk you out of one of your orange plates grin.png). I don't know if you've tried this but I have been successful (I think) transplanting a polyp bud. You can see in the 2nd picture I posted there are small polyp buds under larger ones that are basicly starving fom lack of light. I've removed one from the skeleton so ALL the tissue was on a fragment of the original skeleton a few months ago and so far it's looking good. I'm going to try doing the same to some more of the polyp buds to keep from losing them and hopefully optimize production. Seeing the original polyp bud sprout two new buds after many years I'm hopeful the number will increase over time.

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