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Blue SPS

Uncle Fish

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I am looking for a good size frag/small colony of blue sps. I really like the A. lovelli Blue pictured on qualitymarine.com


Here is another piece I really like the look of


I have looked at the local stores with no luck. Doesn't have to be an Acropora, I am open to all suggestions. What'cha got?

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I have some paletta I could cut for you. It be about 2". That other one is an acropora gomezi. Very cool! I've been having my eye in ordering one.

Otherwise, you have Cali tort, and blue digi. I could cut some blue digi too. But it depends on if your tank is low nutrient stable as to if they keep that blue color.

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Thanks for the replies. I have a piece of Cali Tort now that is doing great but it is more of a purple color. I am also familiar with the blue digi, and want a frag, I will have to look the other ones up.

I have had the water tested 3 times now. the first time there was a trace of nitrates. This dropped to undetectable on subsequent tests. I can't recall what my Mg and Ca (high 400s) were but were acceptable. My alkalinity was low on the third test so I have started using Aquavitro Eight.Four which did great things for my Biocube. I understand the system is new and I need to keep an eye on my parameters but is there something else I need to be watching for?

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