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My new love: the redfin (or red rooster) waspfish


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I have a 29G BioCube that we lovingly refer to as the Death Tank. Current denizens: a spotted hawkfish (Crankypants), a purple lobster (Rock Lobster, what else?), and the newbie, a blue damsel (Lightning). There's also Rob Zombie, the snowflake moray, that disappeared for months only to resurface in the back rubble chamber of the 'Cube, and apparently loves living there and won't come back.

I wanted a new fish for the tank, and fell in love with a cute lil' waspfish at Aquadome. I thought: "Yeah, they're all kinda jerky in the Death Tank, but no-one will eff with him - he's venomous"

Sigh. The spotted hawk is apparently a much bigger d*ck than I ever gave him credit for. He chased the lil wasp down and even rammed him while he was cowering under a rock sad.png

So, into the Happy Tank the wasp went. It's the 65G RSM stocked with a bunch of pretty mellow fish. He's a tiny little guy, and still pretty timid (thanks, Crankypants), but has found a nice cave with some swim-thru action to hunker down in. He's eating live brine, blackworms and mysis like a champ, and even ate a pellet. I'm calling him Henry for now, because he makes me think of Henry Rollins.

I'm furiously researching, as he's sharing a tank with a sailfin blenny and target mandarin pair that all hang out on the bottom, There's a tailspot blenny too, but he's not a fan on hanging out on the substrate. There's not a ton out there on these guys, tho. Best I can tell, as long as the sailfin and tail-spot are larger than Henry, we're good. Especially if I keep everyone well-fed. But I haven't ruled out a tank re-org at some point, either (maybe nano-ing the hawk and the lobster and taking them to work, then shacking up the wasp, eel and damsel in the BC). Would love to hear about anyone's experience keeping these guys in a peaceful tank ...

If you're still with me, meet Henry - he's super-cute!


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I almost bought him last time i was there. Till they told me he was poisonous! (I like sticking my hand in the tank now n then and would not like poison in me thank you =) he is super cool i liked his personality right away

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2

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I almost bought him last time i was there. Till they told me he was poisonous! (I like sticking my hand in the tank now n then and would not like poison in me thank you =) he is super cool i liked his personality right away

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2

Me too! Good score. Cool fish.
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I also succumbed to buying one of those little guys from the Dome when I had my 90g. I released him into my tank, he landed on my live rock and immediately camouflaged himself like a chameleon. I knew exactly where he landed, and even though I was looking right at him he immediately was lost to me. That scared me. Scared me so much that for the next three months I was afraid to put my hand in my tank and move things around for fear of grabbing him by mistake. It made tank maintenance a nightmare.

Toward the end of the third month I was feeding the tank and saw him come out to eat. Until that point I wasn't even sure he was still alive (but had been afraid to reach in on the off chance). I staked him out and found that he was living in a small cave. The net went in at the next feeding and I caught him and took him back to the Dome. He was an awesome fish but it just wasn't worth the risk and the inability to work in the tank. Last I heard Hunter had taken him home for his own tank.

Enjoy, but be careful!

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Thanks y'all!

I like messing with my tank, too, so it'll be an exercise in caution, for sure. He's pretty easy to net (way easier than the hawkfish, fo sho), so if I were getting in there for a massive re-work, he'd come out and chill in a bucket for a little while. For day-to-day stuff, tho, I'll just make sure I know where he is before reaching in. And avoid his side of the tank!


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Ha - I just read this on the lionfishlair forums:

"I've wondered about peeps buying a "cute little waspfish" not knowing that they have one of the more potent stings in the scorp world."

^ That's sooo me! Everything else I was reading wasn't quite as dire. Still, he's far too cute and cool to give up, just need to puzzle a bit out to come up with the optimal setup. I think I sense a new topic coming up: help me arrange these fish in the best groupings smile.png

Edited by Victoria
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I almost bought him last time i was there. Till they told me he was poisonous! (I like sticking my hand in the tank now n then and would not like poison in me thank you =) he is super cool i liked his personality right away

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2

Isn't this fish related to lionfish? Sure looks like one...

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Pretty sure they're all in the scorp family.

Honestly, Henry's been a model citizen... he's got a few sort-of-hidey holes he likes, he's completely passive and really only moves to nail live black worms and frozen mysis at the speed of light. Otherwise, he kinda wobbles around on the sand, since he's got no swim bladder.

He's been punked by pretty much every fish in the tank - even Eric the sailfin charged him, open-mouthed, to make sure Henry knew he was low man on the totem pole.

I've also realized Henry's probably technically a Henrietta, but the beauty of fish is they don't know or care what you name them, so he's staying Henry. If anyone mocks him, well, it's at their own peril.

I've been in and out of the tank a bunch since adding him- I just work on the opposite side and he lets me do my thang. I'm going with "he knows I'm the nice lady that brings him food, and would never poke the hand that feeds him", as that's the most rational way to approach reefkeeping smile.png

Attaching a couple more pics, one of cutie-pie Henry, and one of Eric looking really scary while he's talkin' smack to Henry



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