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Found this crawling across my rock, What is it?

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Yep I do a peroxide dip as a minimum for all my stuff lol from reading it don't look like a dip will prevent these guys tho so hopefully we can figure out where they comin from before more ppl get them

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I would be REAL surprised if the eggs can survive both a coral dip and a Bayer dip back to back. Plus when you dip, you see what falls off, so it gives you a heads up on what might be riding in, as opposed to blindly putting things in the tank and hoping there's nothing riding along.

Coral Rx and Bayer do NOT kill the eggs. There is nothing currently available that will. In order to keep things like this out of a tank, you must QT.

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Just a heed of warning, peroxide dips will kill most SPS pretty quickly. I mainly do them only on zoas and palys.

Oh yeah I use coral rx for sps but it cost more than peroxide so I use peroxide on everything else lol

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Sorry just now seeing this. The most recent Zoa/Paly that I added was some Green Galactus Paly from AquaSD on 4/3.... (I did not DIP) Before that I got some unknown Paly from esacjack, that was back at the end of December (12/29). Then before that, at almost the start of my tank (once cycled) I added some Green Dragon Eye Zoa from RUSH, and some Fairy Dust Palys from KIMP, both back on 11/19. So I suspect it was from AquaSD.

Grr, I shuda dipped!!!

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Oh wait, I also picked up Fire and Ice Zoa/Purple Death Paly combo and Nuclear Green Zoa that I picked up from RCA at the end of the world sale. :) on 12/8... Still I look at my tank ALL the time, probably too much, and given that i added the Green Galactus Paly just a little over a month ago, that's probably where I picked them up!

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Well said, I must agree that to be honest, it doesn't matter who/where it came from, you should dip no matter what. In the end, we only have ourselves to blame if a pest gets into the system. I've been through every disaster and pest through my 10 years of reefing and some have shut down my tanks and others have only been a minor nuisance. I was to blame for all of them entering my system though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those are zoa eating nudibranches. I had some of those once. They came in on some live rock, and made themselves home in my (at the time) one colony of zoas. I used a turkey baster to blow the zoa off and suck up and nudis that got dislodged. I did that every day and sucked up all of them. After that, for a long while, there was nothing. then I noticed my zoa starting to close again in spots for no reason, like something was irritating it. I blew it off and sure enough, baby nudis. I caught every single one over a period of days, but you have to have a good eye when they're that small. I found two adult ones shortly after, and then no more. Its been a few weeks and I haven't seen a single one. My zoas aren't being irritated by anything, but I blow them off regularly just to keep an eye out for the nudis. Manual removal IS possible but difficult. You have to catch them to extinction, wait for any eggs to hatch and then catch those too.

If you had the money for it, you could buy a Coral Rx and dip your zoas, kill the live nudis, then keep dipping the zoas every week until you're sure the eggs or any stray zoas in the tank have hatched and made their way onto the polyps and then gotten killed by one of the dips.

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I've been using CoralRX and/or Lugol's on zoa/paly pieces I get in.

Asking the group here.... Is that enough? Will it kill eggs and critters?

Should I be doing more? No pests yet, knock on wood, but wondering if I have just been lucky.

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