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Found this crawling across my rock, What is it?

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I would turn off your light, let all your zoas close up or agitate them, then shine a flashlight on the closed polyps and look for those little buggers between the polyps. Look carefully as they will blend right in with the polyps. You can remove them physically with tweezers or by hand.

Another idea is to treat with with Bayer insecticide dip if your zoas colonies are removable. See link below:


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Yea I'd like to see a list of who you have bought coral from in the past few months if possible (including LFS) and same with chrisev. perhaps we can pinpoint down the tank and eradicate them from the community.

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Yea I'd like to see a list of who you have bought coral from in the past few months if possible (including LFS) and same with chrisev. perhaps we can pinpoint down the tank and eradicate them from the community.

Yikes, the reefer or just the nudis???

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Yea I'd like to see a list of who you have bought coral from in the past few months if possible (including LFS) and same with chrisev. perhaps we can pinpoint down the tank and eradicate them from the community.

Yikes, the reefer or just the nudis???

Lol, that's exactly what I thought!

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This is just another reason to always dip before you introduce, especially if you don't/can't QT.

If you dip but there's no way to kill the eggs, what can you really do besides qt?

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I would be REAL surprised if the eggs can survive both a coral dip and a Bayer dip back to back. Plus when you dip, you see what falls off, so it gives you a heads up on what might be riding in, as opposed to blindly putting things in the tank and hoping there's nothing riding along.

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Google it. Like everything, everyone has "the right way" but it never quite matches. So, read several and see what you like. One link below has some of the basics. I'm still looking for myself, so I don't have my "right way". But I was figuring on buying a 10g freshwater system kit. I think it will have all that I need in a nifty little package. But I may need better light to do corals. I have not found he answer on this yet.

How do i qt, make another tank to keep things in for a while before i put them in my tank?

Sorry, forgot link. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2195588

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