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The Madsalt 180


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So Ty came over and we chatted about the tank, we have a plan moving forward. Right now the goal is to get the parameters where they need to be. Because I never really did anything with corals except for a few Zoas and such keeping everything perfect wasn't a necessity.

We found the phosphate to be a little high at 0.22 but has since come down to 0.09 with a fresh batch of GFO.

Ty found the nitrates to be elevated with his test kit and the alkalinity to be a bit low. I do not do water changes but I am going to do them for a few weeks to brings things into balance.

Once the parameters are where we like them we are going to come up with a plan for dosing as the need arises during the addition and growth of new corals.

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20% Water change completed and so far everyone looks happy.

Parameters are listed, still have to get mag test kit. May have to dose alk to get it up to where it needs to be. The last test done by Ty was right around this range so it might take quite a few water changes to get it where it needs to be.

2015-02-07 16:12 Nitrate 0 API test kit showing 0ppm
2015-02-07 16:01 Calcium 440
2015-02-07 15:57 Ph 8.18
2015-02-07 15:57 Temp 77
2015-02-07 15:56 Phosphate 0.08 After water change
2015-02-07 15:55 Alkalinity 5.76 After water change
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Hmmm, I was hoping your alk would increase more than that with the water change. It actually might be a better idea to go ahead and dose your alk and Mg up to normal levels and then just use the water changes to maintain them.

I would honestly toss that API nitrate test. It has to be expired or something to give you 0 ppm when you have >20 ppm in your water.

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If they have salifert or red sea nitrate test kit, I would grab that.

I know Aquatek has the Red Sea nitrate test kit if RCA doesn't.

I wouldn't raise your alk more than 1 dKh/day and your Mg 100 ppm/day.

If you are picking up the 2-part, I believe they have the BRS brand. If so, just use their handy online calculator to estimate the dose needed to bring it up for the day.


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So I started dosing today. it always scares me when I start dumping things into my tank.

I started Calc, Alk and Mag.

For the Calc and Alk I dosed the recommended amount and the Alk has already increased from 6 to 6.6.

For the Mag I only dosed half the amount because the dosage would have been a very large amount based on the water volume. I do not have my Mag test kit so I do not want to dose to much although I do know it needs to come up.

I did have my water tested and I did show some nitrates based off that kit. I was about .10 so that is down from the .22 based off Ty's test kit so that is good. I will be performing another water change or two so I am sure my phosphates and nitrates will come down more.

New corals added:

pavona coral...aka cactus coral

red forest fire digitata

purple digitata

green warp speed moniti

red chalice coral.

And a little video of the tank and corals. Gotta work on the blue light thing when taking videos.

Full tank shot


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What type of calcium, alk, and magnesium supplement did you pick up?

That's great to hear that your alk has increased. You really shouldn't need to dose Ca at all, you were already above the recommended value.

For nitrate, do you mean 10 ppm, down from my 22 ppm? Btw, if RCA tested it for you, they use API which I find highly inaccurate too. I trust it to tell me if I'm high or low but not for an actual concentration. But from your water changes, you're probably at least at a ballpark around 10-15 ppm so it should be much improved already.

While normally I wouldn't suggest adding any corals until the water parameters get in line, they must be doing fine for now if you haven't mentioned any detoriating conditions.

Keep an eye on the anemone. He's getting too dangerously close to the MP-40 for my likes.

Everything else looks good. Just monitor the new additions and look for polyp extension as well signs of distress.

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I went with the Reef Builder powder for calc and alk and b-ionic liquid for mag, that was the only mag they had. I will switch to powder once this runs out or maybe before. I will probably order my next round of supplies from BRS

For the nitrate I just wanted to see if my test kit was out of whack and it seems it is, their kit read about 10. It was RCA.

I went with the corals because rockstarwiggle hooked me up for 25 bucks. All the corals look great with polyps showing on all of them and good color so far under blue lights grin.png . Those are the only corals I will be adding for a little while. I chose them because they are nice starter corals and I knew I would be bringing the levels up slowly. Once I know these corals are stable and are actually showing some growth, I will add more. (given the parameters are stable) rock.gif

Yea my anemone has decided it wanted to go walk about and decided it would walk up the glass. I have a cover on the mp40 just in case. If it doesn't come down by the morning, I will move it in the hopes it will stay. It has already moved higher and back a little.

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Sounds like you got it all under control. I agree with you, those corals will be good test corals as you bring all your levels in line.

Good call on having the covers on the MP40s. I've never had an anemone get cut up in my powerhead but I'd hate for the first time to happen.

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First test of Mag has been completed and I am 1200, up from 900 from Ty's test. The 1200 number comes from one water change and a total of 300ml of b-ionic. At this point one more water change and 150ml of b-ionic and I should be right around the magic number I need, give or take a little.

Second round of alk has been added so I will give it some time and check it in a few hours. I am only dosing about half the recommended amount in order to move the alk slowly and not cause a major swing. If I am able to get above 7 with this dose and move .5 with each dose, I am good with that.

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The numbers are looking promising Madsalt. Just be careful how quickly you are bringing up the numbers. You can cause just as much damage raising them up too fast as to the levels dropping fast.

Once you get them to recommended levels, I would stick with water changes for a bit to maintain stability. I think 2-3 months into that stability, you're going to like how your corals are responding to it... with increased growth rates and coloration.

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I don't care to admit how many times I have lost track of my drops for the "A" reagent where you have to stir in-between drops. doh.gif

I have a trinket system where I place 5 random things to the side and everytime I add a drop and count to 15 secs... I remove one trinket. I've wasted enough reagent and time that implementation of that system was a MUST!
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Am I missing something on the Red Sea test kit. I use the salifert and have never used the Red Sea. The salifert you just drop 5 drops in 2ml. Swirl for 30 seconds, drop in one spoon of power, swirl for 10 seconds and start dropping.

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Some upgrades are coming to the madsalt 180. I added 2 Gen 2 Radions a month or so ago and will adding a third one here in about a week.. This will definitely give me the light I want across the entire tank.

Apex additions include WXM for my lights and pumps, Salinity and leak detection modules. I might even add the breakout box

I am considering a new skimmer since my skimmer is rated for a 150 gallon tank. Now with the amount of rock and sand I would say I am just above the recommended level for my reef octopus. I was thinking about going with a Skimz Monzter SM163 DC Internal Protein Skimmer. So I might have a skimmer for sale soon punk.gif

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