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Excited to Join the Site!

Rick & Kenda

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Hi, we are joining as a couple, Rick and Kenda. I used to build saltwater aquariums back in the late 80s but I haven't had a tank since then. My wife has never done saltwater aquarium keeping. So, I guess I am relearning while she is learning. The technology has come a long way since 1989 and we are excited to get our first new tank started.

I drilled a 55g last weekend. Ended up drilling the back since I couldn't be sure the bottom wasn't tempered but it went quite smoothly. It was easier than I thought it would be. Next is building a custom stand and we plan to go with a canopy setup.

If anyone has a old sump they don't need, I 'd love to take it off your hands.

Anyway, Hi to All!!



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Welcome Welcome Welcome! Glad to see so many new faces around the forums! Such a pleasure to be a part of a great community!

Any questions you might have on your journey, please don't hesitate to ask! :)

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Welcome to you both, always great to see someone return to the hobby. We've got reefers across the spectrum from newbie to expert, so hit us up with your questions and start a build thread to document your tank project. Also watch for our monthly meetings, they're a great way to meet members and see different tank setups at the houses we visit, as well as to win the various items and corals we give away as door prizes.

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Welcome to you both, always great to see someone return to the hobby. We've got reefers across the spectrum from newbie to expert, so hit us up with your questions and start a build thread to document your tank project. Also watch for our monthly meetings, they're a great way to meet members and see different tank setups at the houses we visit, as well as to win the various items and corals we give away as door prizes.

Thanks Mike!

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