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Hello I'm new to the site, but not the hobby!


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I had several tanks in college while I was a undergrad at UT. Was a good break from studying and the industry was still in it's early stages in the mid-80's. The days of bed filters, bubbles and fake coral. Fast forward to today I have an old house and wanted to put something in the 2 foot thick window opening in my basement. House was built in 1894 so the wall was stout. I measured and bought a custom tank in Tennessee and had it shipped to Austin. Then the hard part started. Had to get it in the house, pay some weight lifters to lift the 500 lb glass tank onto the metal stand. Well eight months later it is finally starting to look good. Fun hobby there is so much to learn now and so much more livestock available.

I have a 30 gallon sump with BioBalls and carbon that seems to work very well. I clean it out every other month. I use a CPR protein skimmer since it's the only one that will fit on the side of the tank. It has that blue plastic media and an output that I put a sock on to catch leftovers. I use a UV light pump combo with three BuildMYLED lights from Randy's factory. I use a 36" strip and two 24" strips with 30 degree angles to focus light on the live rock where the corals are. I use dimmers to ramp up the light in the morning and dim it down toward dusk time. We do regular water changes at 20 percent once a month.

Look forward to your next meeting. Cheers, Stockbauer




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Welcome. Love the tank. Everyone here is very helpful and answeres lots of questions. But since you are a pro, you should be helpful and answer questions too. You know, so you can fit in. :).

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I'm no pro. Every enclosed system is always on the brink of total collapse. I just do all I can to mediate the problems. If my wife would let me use the office on the otherside I would have it packed with the right equipment. It's basically a giant NANO. I would like to buy coral frags if anyone has some. Cheers, Stockbauer

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I'm no pro. Every enclosed system is always on the brink of total collapse. I just do all I can to mediate the problems. If my wife would let me use the office on the otherside I would have it packed with the right equipment. It's basically a giant NANO. I would like to buy coral frags if anyone has some. Cheers, Stockbauer

sorry, don't mind me. i'm just a smart alleck.

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Welcome to the club, beautiful tank! Where do you have the sump?

two cubic feet of BioBalls and three or four bags of carbon in the return chamber. I also have some seaweed in the return chamber with an LED light. I use carbon impregnated foam in the filter slats and well.

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AWE!! Sweet! A basement! Oh, and the tank look awesome too! Welcome to the club.


Thank you so much I love this hobby and keeps me off the streets when I'm not at my bar. I want to get some real colorful corals is there anyone in the club that sells super colorful coral at a reasonable price.?

I ordered some at www.reefs2go.com and I want predicatbly disappointed when these tiny things came in for $20 each. What a rip off. Please send me the link. Thanks Jim

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Here's what you do. Take $100. Go to RichardL, Mitch, rchavez, or fishypet's house. Walk away with bag of corals 2x as nice for 1/2 the price.

I've only been to rchavez, but +1 based on that, and what I've seen posted here.

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Welcome to the club, beautiful tank! Where do you have the sump?

Sump is on a steel stand under the tank. I had it made at a shop on 183 to fit under the stand. Some like one big open sump, but I like to separate the bioballs from the intake pump where I hold the bags of carbon the plants with the LED. I think they do take out some nitrites.

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