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PH too high??


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I recently for an APEX!!! Loving playing with it. Well last night I finally calibrated the PH probe, it seemed to be right on when testing it in the 7.0 and 10.0 solutions after the calibration. Today (right now) the APEX is reporting that my PH is at 8.83. That seems high. but wanted to get others input. I know it will change through the day, but I assume there is a "min/max" range that it should stay in. The tank temp is 80 degrees right now (that's a whole other topic I'll have to deal with) and I know the temp can affect PH, but I though only in a very minor way.

Is 8.83 too high, and if so what actions should I take? I know, I know, if any action SLOW is the key.

Thanks in advance!

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Just started doing an aeration test to check in my house CO2 is too high or if I need aeration in the tank which with how large my skimmer is I don't see how I don't have enough aeration but anything is possible.

If the house Co2 is too high I do have a large evac fan in the house that can change the house air completely in about 4 min so maybe I'll need to start doing that. I also added kalk to my ATO since I had to refill it today. Hopefully I'll start getting my ph to rise, and chris will get his to lower a bit with the links you shared.

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Thanks George, good/informative read. Now I guess I need to to confirm my probe is reading accurately and if it is (I assume it is based on my testing last night) then come up with a solutions. I know my skimmer is under performing due to an under powered pump I assume that will help with the aeration (as well as make the skimmer work better). I don't know if that will be enough, so I may have to look at other ways to get more carbon dioxide from the air into the water. The PH has already raised 9.01!! I assume this is due to the lights being on full (ramped up over the last two hours)

@BIO, I use Red Sea Coral Pro Salt and RO/DI water I make in the garage. I'm not sure why it's so high. I do have two pieces of limestone rock in the tank, and I understand that is supposed to help keep the PH from dropping too low, but do not expect that is the cause of the issue.

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pperhaps you can add a Calcium reactor to your system so you inject co2 and keep bringing ph down. I think that is part of the reason mine is low is because of the calcium reactor being online.

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OK, now I'm starting to freak out. My PH is up to 9.17, I suppose I should not, it's probably been this way for days now, just now I'm monitoring it regularly with the APEX! But still!!! If I was home, or rather not in meetings off and on all day (I'd go home) I would have already tried added some Distilled White Vinegar, or even soda water.... grrr pesky work!

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Yes I did. And after the calibration was complete, I tested the probe in both the 7.0 and the 10.0 solutions, and in both cases the probe reported 7.0 and 10.0 respectively. I plan on re-testing the probe as soon as I can before I make any changes.

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Did you calibrate the pH probe ?

I recently for an APEX!!! Loving playing with it. Well last night I finally calibrated the PH probe, it seemed to be right on when testing it in the 7.0 and 10.0 solutions after the calibration.

Now I know you didnt ask me, but please don't hate me for trying to help you :)

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WOW! What the **** was I typing "I recently for an APEX!!!" doh.gif I need to learn to slow down and read what I type before I hit the post button. turned.gif Or maybe I use the excuse that I'm at work, and posting quickly in between other activities.

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Great question, I did not notice (or even look) is there was an expiration date on the package. I just got the APEX from BRS last week, I would hope it is not expired! At the same time, that would make me feel better! Anyways to test it without the solution?

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Stopped by HEB and picked up some distilled white vinegar on my way home, just in case. When I got home the pH reading was 9.45!!! First thing I did was break out the API High pH test kit and did a good old fashion manual test. Reading was about 8.0. No way I coulda been that far off with the manual test. So dropped the probe in the 7.0 solution it read 7.0... dropped it in the 10.0 solutions read.... 11.1! Okay! So I did (to the best of my ability, more in a second) another probe calibration. Tested it with the 7.0 and the 10.0 solution. Seems good, the 10.0 was a bit low 9.99, but went with it. The tank is now reading 8.15 pH. I'm happy with that number. We'll see if the probe stays relatively steady (or at least consistent given two different days about the same time). If not maybe it's a bad probe, or maybe I need to calibrate it again.

So on to that and the "to the best of my ability" statement, last night when I was cleaning up after my calibration I spilled a good bit of the 10.0 solutions so tonight I did not have much solutions left. Does AquaDome, or RCA carry this solution to test with? if so I'll pickup some more just in case.

Thanks to all of your help, sorry for the false alarm. I love the APEX, but man, as you pointed out George, an "odd" reading kinda throw off my day today for nothing :)

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Well right now the pH probe is reading 8.63 up from about 8.06 around 8:00 am. I will pick up more solution this weekend to calibrate again and test with. 8.63 is not overly high (I guess) but that seems like quite a swing. I wonder if I have a faulty probe.

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