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What do you look for in a LFS?


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I would like the staff to not be condecending.

For example.

I went to an LFS here in Austin and the owner asked about how I set my tank up. I told him that I used base rock and dead sand. He immediately told me that I had no idea what I was doing and that I should ditch all the dead rock/sand and start over using his live rock and crushed coral for substrate. When I told him that there's more than one way to start a tank he then proceeded to tell me that he wouldn't even help me out until I "properly" set up my system.

I've never returned to that store.

Yeah. You're probably not the first or last to have an experience like that there, nor are you the first to not return.

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I would like the staff to not be condecending.

For example.

I went to an LFS here in Austin and the owner asked about how I set my tank up. I told him that I used base rock and dead sand. He immediately told me that I had no idea what I was doing and that I should ditch all the dead rock/sand and start over using his live rock and crushed coral for substrate. When I told him that there's more than one way to start a tank he then proceeded to tell me that he wouldn't even help me out until I "properly" set up my system.

I've never returned to that store.

Yeah. You're probably not the first or last to have an experience like that there, nor are you the first to not return.

Phew. I thought I was the only one.

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I love how everyone know what store your talking about. I've been there only one time and never will return, on the other hand I met someone today who loves his store and spoke well of it. I think staff makes a huge difference!

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Many of us have had that experience at that store...

I like a store where I can develop a relationship with the staff. At most of our local stores, the guys know me by name and vice versa. They're happy to talk tank with me because they know I have a clue. I think customers who are informed (or at least attempt to be informed) get better, more honest service.

I also found that you go in admitting ignorance but wanting to learn the right way they often respect you and will be willing to guide you. I'm not saying not to try your own research, but to go in with an open mind and not try to pretend you already know everything.

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I love how everyone know what store your talking about. I've been there only one time and never will return, on the other hand I met someone today who loves his store and spoke well of it. I think staff makes a huge difference!

Must of been a shill! Yea, it really turned me away from ever going back after he pretty much berated me with condecending remarks on how I started my tank up. Then he used his 20+ years of experience card on me, as if everything he was saying was the be all end all of reefing. He even went as far as telling me to stay off of forums since it's filled with people who have no idea what they're doing.

Edited by Ibnzmonkey
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I love how everyone know what store your talking about. I've been there only one time and never will return, on the other hand I met someone today who loves his store and spoke well of it. I think staff makes a huge difference!

Not everyone.

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I love how everyone know what store your talking about. I've been there only one time and never will return, on the other hand I met someone today who loves his store and spoke well of it. I think staff makes a huge difference!

Not everyone.

Fishy Business off of Burnet. He has a really clean store and everything is in tip top shape. He just needs to work on his people skills.

It seems as though others throughout the Austin area feel the same..


Disclaimer: Before this gets out of hand and I get accused of slandering a business. I just want to make sure you guys understand that I am in no way telling you NOT to go to his store. I am simply saying I had a bad experience there. The irony is that his store has some of the best corals and fish I've ever seen in any LFS in Austin. Not a single speck of algae or Ich contamination in any of his systems.

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Thanks. Clever name, though.

That location is not convenient for me, so I'll stick to the aquadome.

Can't go wrong with AquaDome!! One of my favorite stores in town. I wish I still lived close :(

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Thanks. Clever name, though.

That location is not convenient for me, so I'll stick to the aquadome.

Can't go wrong with AquaDome!! One of my favorite stores in town. I wish I still lived close :(

Just one f the many perks of living south.

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I would like to see a large selection of fish and coral. Also though I like them to have a decent or large selection of hardware too. I like to be able to see what I am buying before I buy it. Store in mind was aquarium world in houston. Went there looking for a wet/dry filter and light for the 120g and I'm glad I changed my mind on both items that I thought I had wanted. Actually bought my pro clear wet/dry that day came itch the HOB overflow and I really wanted the eshopps one so they let me have it instead of the pro clear one (also had 10% off coupon).

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  • 1 month later...

attentive knowledgeable staff that arent afraid to say what they think but can do so with tact. looks out for the hobbyist and the fish's best interests. would love if there was a place that qt'd and medicated their fish before they were sold but will have to just use Diver's Den for that I guess, they're the only ones that do it that I've heard of.

I've been away from the hobby for a few years...who is Garry and Hunter? Are they at aquadome?

Nearby (I live in Round Rock) I know of: Fishy Business, Aquadome, Partners, Gallery of Pets, Rivers and Reefs, Rivercity aquatics, Aquatek, Pet Connection. There used to be Austin Aquariums but they went out of business. Am I missing anyone?

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attentive knowledgeable staff that arent afraid to say what they think but can do so with tact. looks out for the hobbyist and the fish's best interests. would love if there was a place that qt'd and medicated their fish before they were sold but will have to just use Diver's Den for that I guess, they're the only ones that do it that I've heard of.

I've been away from the hobby for a few years...who is Garry and Hunter? Are they at aquadome?

Nearby (I live in Round Rock) I know of: Fishy Business, Aquadome, Partners, Gallery of Pets, Rivers and Reefs, Rivercity aquatics, Aquatek, Pet Connection. There used to be Austin Aquariums but they went out of business. Am I missing anyone?

Yes, Gary, terry, and hunter are at aquadome. There are some new places opening up, too. Niko (on the forums) I think is involved with one opening in manor. He mentioned the othe day that he planned to do a dip process for corals that will be cataloged in a database so you can see the records of your particular coral. Unfortunately, I have a mind kline a rusty trap and don't recall the name. I have no knowledge of any other LFS dipping policy, whether they have one or not.

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attentive knowledgeable staff that arent afraid to say what they think but can do so with tact. looks out for the hobbyist and the fish's best interests. would love if there was a place that qt'd and medicated their fish before they were sold but will have to just use Diver's Den for that I guess, they're the only ones that do it that I've heard of.

I've been away from the hobby for a few years...who is Garry and Hunter? Are they at aquadome?

Nearby (I live in Round Rock) I know of: Fishy Business, Aquadome, Partners, Gallery of Pets, Rivers and Reefs, Rivercity aquatics, Aquatek, Pet Connection. There used to be Austin Aquariums but they went out of business. Am I missing anyone?

Fish Gallery opens today in North Austin :)

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