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What's the dumbest thing you've ever done with your tank?


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Didn't really beleive all that "nonsense" about zoas / palys being toxic. First corals in tank were about a dozen frags of same. handled them bare handed. Thumb and forefinger are still numb on one hand.

Wow, just from touching them? Did you have a cut or something? Yikes.

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Didn't really beleive all that "nonsense" about zoas / palys being toxic. First corals in tank were about a dozen frags of same. handled them bare handed. Thumb and forefinger are still numb on one hand.

Wow, just from touching them? Did you have a cut or something? Yikes.

How long ago?

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Didn't really beleive all that "nonsense" about zoas / palys being toxic. First corals in tank were about a dozen frags of same. handled them bare handed. Thumb and forefinger are still numb on one hand.

Do you know the type/variety? I've only once had problems but I also got a bunch of bristle worm bristles at the same time moving stuff around which certainly would have helped get it under my skin, it also completely cleared up in about 5-7 days. I have more problems with frogspawn getting me where the skin is thinner on the back of my hand or wrist or between my fingers.

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Like I said I handled several different varieties on one single day. There was the dreaded Texas brown paly (wish I didn't have them now) Lime Aide Palys, Blueberry paly, and a couple of others. Several Zoas as well, Eagle eye, Dragons, a few smaller polyped Zoas, But I remember trying to place the plugs on the rock and pushing against them and getting a slimey coat on my fingers. Hours afterwards I noticed a type of stinging all along the thumb and forefinger and into the hand. Kind of felt like how nueropathy is described. Stinging, burning ect... Lasted a day ort so and then the tingleing became more of a numbness. Worst at first, but one year later when I place the fiorefinger against the thumb and rub, ity still feels a little numb !

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Here's a link to some research on the toxicity of different paly/zoa colonies: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0018235 It was a small study and the majority were either non-toxic or weakly toxic but they did find several colonies wthat were highly toxic. The researchers tried to identify the species but were unable so any info as to the variety that causes problems is helpful.

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I let my room mate take care of the tank a couple years ago when I went to guatemala, he fed the fish calcium everyday. Came home and all my sps were bleached cause calc was super high and alk was super low

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The characters in that link might not work on the forum. I had the original bookmarked a while back and couldn't post it correctly either. There's a link to it in this article: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/palytoxin-the-worlds-second-deadliest-poison-possibly-available-at-your-lfs

I think it's probably important to recognize that there are hundreds of things that can cause reactions in a reef tank. Palytoxin has fairly specific symptoms which resemble a nurotoxin more than a localized reaction from what I've read. To roughly summarize, if you get a rash, infection, local reaction, probably something else. Respiratory failure or difficulties, heart problems, muscle problems, confusion, (a bunch more), more likely to be palytoxin.

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For some reason a space is getting added to the end of the address. I've gone back and fixed it and it works once and on the second try pulls up the error page. If you do a cut and paste to your browsers search bar it should pull up.

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I let my room mate take care of the tank a couple years ago when I went to guatemala, he fed the fish calcium everyday. Came home and all my sps were bleached cause calc was super high and alk was super low


I had a problem with people over feeding and since then, I label each baggie for each feeding session and tell them to empty the bag with the date.

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When I was first getting started a few years ago I dropped a 150w MH light fixture into my 10g nano by accident and killed power to the entire apartment building for a few hours. There was an epic explosion when the hot bulb hit the water, sparks and crap flew everywhere. It was super scary and I thought I had died when everything went dark in the room.

Now I have acrylic tops for my tanks.

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This is a awesome topic I have done so much but i'll pick my 2 proudest:

Non auarium related: Got our first place bought a washer and drier and the cord for the drier and I decided to make sure it fit in the plug (yes it is very obvious that it was right but I tried anywaydoh.gif ) while it was not hooked up to the drier. The problem was that in the package they had all the ends taped together so when I did this it looked like the fourth of july. My wife proceeded to to call me every name in the book and i got to go buy a new cord since it melted the brass terminals together.

Aquarium related: probalbe when I had a heater on in my 55g and my fish started dying one or two a day for a few days kept testing water and checking temp put meds in still dying finally my wife came and looked at it and told me the themometer said 92 not 82 lol needless to say took heater out and they quit dying.

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