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Niko's Biocube

Niko's Reef

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I decided to start this tank that would house my seahorse's instead of what I had them housed in.

I had them in a tank that had a few fish and a ton of coral.

It looked awesome, but I started to have issues with keeping the coral looking how I wanted.

When I increased the lighting, it started messing up the coats of the searhorses.

So I decided it was in their and mine best interest to divide them up into their own tanks.

I still have a few corals in there, but these are the 1's the angel was picking on or are recovering from the moves of my other aquariums.

For some reason the corals always recover when they are with the seahorses.

Here are some of the pics.






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Hey that looks great. I was wondering if you have to run a chiller to keep your SH at the optimum temp of 75F. I know different types of SH require different temps, so what temp will that tank run at?

Neon Reefer, that tank stays at 75 or lower. I don't use a heater on the tank. I never allow my house to get above 72, which helps. For the Kuma SH's, you are supposed to keep it between 72-76.

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I never had any trouble keeping my seahorse tanks cool without a chiller either. The tank looks great, I bet they're very happy in there. You've sure done a great job with them!!

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Three build s at once? Wow.

Actually I have more builds going on.

In addition to these 3, I have a 185g that is being built into my wall. A lot of progress has been made. Won't be much longer for this 1. I always have scheduling conflicts due to me working nights with ct67stang who is building this. After Wed., that won't be a problem anymore.

My wife also fell in love with the 40g that I was using to house my livestock in during the builds, so I let her have her wish to keep it. Didn't really want another tank; but my wife puts up with a lot, so I decided to make her happy and make it anemone and clownfish tank. This is already in progress as well. Currently housing some fish and anemones in a 20g that will get transferred over. I will be getting rid of all the current clowns that I have, and moving to different types. Haven't decided which 1's yet. I'll try to post some pics of this 1 tonight.

I also have a 75g full of liverock that is curing in the garage, and another 75g that I believe I'm going to turn into a freshwater or frag tank. Not sure yet.

I have a 29g that I plan on turning into a QT tank. Got a really nice stand for it last week that has a few scratches. Plan on sanding it down and repainting it.

I've also been setting up fully stocked tanks for a few people. I setup up a 55g with liverocks and corals for my dad. I'm in the process of setting up a 46g for a coworker of mine. He is redoing the stand to his desires, so I'm waiting on that. Currently housing clowns, yellow watchman goby, and a beautiful angel that I got from mrshall1027 for him. I'm setting up a 55g freshwater for a coworker as well. This shouldn't be too hard.

I pretty much let this hobby consume my life. I went over a month without watching any TV/movies/sports/video games. I would get off, and jump straight on the projects and center my whole weekends to it. That is insane for me, because I'm a huge junkie on all the stuff I mentioned. I missed march madness entirely, which I usually take off work for. Just seeing the satisfaction of people that I'm setting up these tanks for, along my own satisfaction has been so rewarding. I've never felt this way about a hobby. Making extra $ has been really cool too, and helps me achieve what I want in my builds.

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I never had any trouble keeping my seahorse tanks cool without a chiller either. The tank looks great, I bet they're very happy in there. You've sure done a great job with them!!

Thanks Kim. Yeah, they are doing great in there. The algae they had growing on their coats is disappearing. 1 is completely free of it already. I don't believe they are as hard to take care of as most people make them out to be. I lost the original female about a month ago due to the algae she grew on her. That was due to running the lights too long for the coral. Had her for a year. That and losing my 1st eel were the worse I've felt about losing anything. I just got carried away with coral. They loved when I brought in new coral though. They would always check them out when I put them in and hang on them. I won't make that mistake again. I'd rather have the horses over coral any day. So unique to me. My wife loves them as well. She was the 1 who always wanted them. She is saving up for the rimless tank they have at AquaDome for them.

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like the rockscape on this one too. looks like mt. wannahawkaloogie grin.png

Not a 100% happy with the rocks cape. Don't like where the canes are. I had to put them in there unfortunately due to the angel picking on them. That and the Miami Hurricane Chalice. The acans just weren't making it in the 90g for some reason. They were residing a lot. The frogspawn is healing from the moves. As soon as they heal up, I will move them back to the 90g.

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Three build s at once? Wow.

Actually I have more builds going on.

In addition to these 3, I have a 185g that is being built into my wall. A lot of progress has been made. Won't be much longer for this 1. I always have scheduling conflicts due to me working nights with ct67stang who is building this. After Wed., that won't be a problem anymore.

My wife also fell in love with the 40g that I was using to house my livestock in during the builds, so I let her have her wish to keep it. Didn't really want another tank; but my wife puts up with a lot, so I decided to make her happy and make it anemone and clownfish tank. This is already in progress as well. Currently housing some fish and anemones in a 20g that will get transferred over. I will be getting rid of all the current clowns that I have, and moving to different types. Haven't decided which 1's yet. I'll try to post some pics of this 1 tonight.

I also have a 75g full of liverock that is curing in the garage, and another 75g that I believe I'm going to turn into a freshwater or frag tank. Not sure yet.

I have a 29g that I plan on turning into a QT tank. Got a really nice stand for it last week that has a few scratches. Plan on sanding it down and repainting it.

I've also been setting up fully stocked tanks for a few people. I setup up a 55g with liverocks and corals for my dad. I'm in the process of setting up a 46g for a coworker of mine. He is redoing the stand to his desires, so I'm waiting on that. Currently housing clowns, yellow watchman goby, and a beautiful angel that I got from mrshall1027 for him. I'm setting up a 55g freshwater for a coworker as well. This shouldn't be too hard.

I pretty much let this hobby consume my life. I went over a month without watching any TV/movies/sports/video games. I would get off, and jump straight on the projects and center my whole weekends to it. That is insane for me, because I'm a huge junkie on all the stuff I mentioned. I missed march madness entirely, which I usually take off work for. Just seeing the satisfaction of people that I'm setting up these tanks for, along my own satisfaction has been so rewarding. I've never felt this way about a hobby. Making extra $ has been really cool too, and helps me achieve what I want in my builds.

I don't know what you do for a living, but it sounds like you're on the track to start a setup/maintenance business! :)

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I am not sure I have a suitable family friendly word, so I'm going just stick with wow. Sounds like you should open a business.

I've actually been thinking about starting a business. I think Wilco could use something. I looked into some areas in Pflugerville and Hutto, but they were asking for 4,000$ a month, which makes me nervous. I haven't looked for awhile. Now that I have free time, I'll start up again. My parents are interested in it with me. They believe in me. If I go that route with them, I would like a setup similar to Partners in RR, but with more focus on saltwater. I still have a lot to learn, but with the passion I have for it, I think I will prevail. Also, would have to find some suppliers, which I haven't even looked into.

I have an opportunity to start a catering business with a partner, but I'm not sure if my heart is there. I have everything I need for that, besides a health permit. If I go that route, it would be just to create revenue for a pet store. Plus I could take a job that I have been offered, and do that on the weekends. We plan on hitting baseball tournaments, and have a spot in Hutto that the owner would rent out to us dirt cheap. Not very much financial risk at all.

I'm also looking into taking over a business at Lakeway as well. I have asked my business partner if he would allow me to use a section of the store for it. There is quite a few folks I've met from around that area, so I think it has a chance to thrive. He is cool with it, but we need to come up with a lot of $ just to take over this business, and he said he wouldn't invest in that part, and it would be all my own $. I wouldnt make that spot as much of a pet store. Just basic supplies needed for pets, and focus on freshwater/saltwater.

So, I'm going to take the next few weeks to evaluate and discuss with family/partners and see what is best for all of us. I have a business degree, and my dad is a CPA that can handle a lot of stuff for us as well. So well see where this all goes.

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well I wish I had the funds to throw at a reef supply, sales, and service with you but alas im poor wink.png but I also have the same passion for this hobby and the skill to build just about anything, so I could contribute my skills and time to the business. I know you Travis (niko) and know we have the love for this hobby in common, and with our determination it doesn't seem undoable.

BTW far south Austin could use a reef store we only really have one..... sorry aquadome wink.png

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well I wish I had the funds to throw at a reef supply, sales, and service with you but alas im poor wink.png but I also have the same passion for this hobby and the skill to build just about anything, so I could contribute my skills and time to the business. I know you Travis (niko) and know we have the love for this hobby in common, and with our determination it doesn't seem undoable.

BTW far south Austin could use a reef store we only really have one..... sorry aquadome wink.png

You know I'll keep u n mind bro.

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