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The Wardlaw 120


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Lookn good! What you got in mind for livestock? Is there a lid on the tank?

Are yall talkn about the all white tank that's downstairs at AD? Long time since I been there.

have two black misbar ocelleris one bar goby aka zebra barred dartfish one purple firefish a cleaner shrimp and several snails crabs etc

would like rabbitfish...not sure which one

more clowns

kole eye tang, yellow tang, hippo tang, sailfin tang

flame angel

leapord wrasse, other wrasse


no telling what we will get, but these are all on the list for consideration

wanting to continue to add as many different kinds of coral as possible, clams

basically want to put as much in as possible within reason for the animals

no top yet but i will be building a canopy

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here are a few from AAF a couple of weeks back......just put them in on SAT so they are the beginning of "coating THE WALL"

sorry for a few blurry photos








post-3065-0-68933000-1366679101_thumb.jp not everyone loves a reef tank

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