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The Wardlaw 120


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So, I still have a long way to go, but here we are for now.

The beginning: In Chad and Belinda's garage sans second overflow...


transformation: New paint with "antiquing glaze"





In the House: overflow added, custom sump purchased from elegant reef


More to come...off to dinner she says!

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Dry Rock 200lbs,100lbs dry sand, Dr Tim's Denitrifying Bacteria, Two Black Ocelleris,




waiting for build my leds to come in.......20 gal light stolen for use from quarantine tank...sad, but real

running cs6 skimmer

MP40w....should i get another?? probably down the line

brs dual media reactor with gfo and carbon

five stage rodi 75gal/day

finnex 300 watt heater w/controller

please ask questions and make suggestions as needed...im a fresh newbie and i love learning as i go and attempting to spend less money by learning from others on here grin.png

i will add more pics later, the wires are now cleaned up and safe, and yes my sump light is nicer than the light i have not pictured yet on the DT

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Looks good.

Looks awesome I like the antique glaze.

That looks so much better. Great job on the overflow!!!

great start!

good start

thanks Everyone! I just got word i can pick up the first led strip tomorrow.... more pics to come.....just learning on posting as well


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that is one massive rock wall. I cant wait to see this full of corals. keep the pics coming

probably not ideal for everyone, but the gf really likes the full look of the display at Aquadome, so I hope to achieve that status one day

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Looks really well put together glen.

thanks man,

i tried to research and make well informed decisions before pulling the trigger.....seems there is always room for improvement after execution

i am very happy with it so far anyhow and look forward to filling it with livestock

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i have mentioned in a previous thread how much i love that AD tank. it will be interesting to see how long it takes to fill that wall with corals like theirs is. it should be really beautiul, though.

ps: it seems like your tank shape is well suited for it.

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Lookn good! What you got in mind for livestock? Is there a lid on the tank?

Are yall talkn about the all white tank that's downstairs at AD? Long time since I been there.

that is the tank i was talking about.

yes me too

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