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coral beauty' s


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Two fish I always wanted are the coral beauty and the flame angel. I've read they're a mixed bag. Some people say they eat all manner of coral, others report years without an incident. I'd say if yours hasn't touched anything, leave it be. If you catch it munching on a particular coral species you want to keep, decide which one you want more.

I'm too worried to TRY one personally because I don't want to tear apart the tank to catch a new fish that is eating my established corals. But if you already have one and haven't had incident, why remove it

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Mine is pretty well mannered, though it has taken a liking to nipping a few of my gorgonians. So like everyone else is saying, it just depends on the fish I think. I used to have a flame angel that nipped at nothing.

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I wouldn't risk it if you plan on keeping corals. Most people only view their tanks for short periods of time...what's happening when youre not around. Typically, fish will associate you with food...why nip when the food man is here? Most people assume that nothing is wrong...I caught mine with a camcorder one day by accident. So, I assumed my corals were croaking due to something I did...it was my angelfish aka the terrorist!

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I've had mine about 4 years. It's fine with corals but has become one of the most territorial and aggressive fish that I have. It harrases any wrasses that I've owned. Gorgeous fish, but if the wife would let me I'd get rid of it.

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Coral Beauty's and Flame Angels are some of my prefered fish to have in a reef system but they really should be quarantined together and added at the same time. Others are Lemon Peels, Ebli and Bicolor. I frequently see dwarf angels "nip" at the surface of corals but on close observation no damage is done. Some corals will react to this attention by retracting and that can certainly be confused as the fiah actually having bitten the coral. On one occassion I was lucky enough to see a Coral Beauty just tear apart a Frogspawn polyp like it was a piece of shrimp and kept at it for several minutes until it had completely cleaned off the skeleton of that one polyp. several aspects of this fascinated me. One was this fish had been in this tank for several years along with something like 60 or more frogspawn polyps on various colonies and had never been observed to bother any of them altough once or twice a year a polyp would disappear. Also, it focused only this one polyp and not only ignored but appeared to intentionally avoid the other polyps on this colony. My assumption is this one polyp was damaged somehow and the Coral Beauty was essentially taking care of the carcass and doing me a favor of reducing the risk of the colony getting a "brown jelly" infection. Having seen now Thalasoma sp. wrasses and a Zebrasoma rostratum, Longnose Tang, eat several acan polyps that were damaged when a colony was nocked off and landed in the sand but ignored the other dozen or acan colonies in the tank my strong belief is that many of the reports of dwarf angels eating corals either is the first case of just picking food items off the surface of the coral or the second case where the fish is elliminated an unhealthy speciman. Obviously some of the reports "might" be of rogue fish actually developing a taste for healthy corals but I'm convinced these are much rarer than is commonly posted or spread word of mouth.

A more common problem like Mike pointed out is a dwarf angel getting very territorial and harassing anything new added to the tank. Even if you get a dwarf with a more typical tolerance of fish from other genus there is always a problem with adding several dwarfs to the same tank. If you do get two or more to cohabitate and one dies for some reason it will be nearly impossible to replace it as the other dwarf angel(s) will not accept a new dwarf angel once established in a tank.

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I had a coral beauty in the past that would eat Xenia and nothing else. He used to kill it every time I added it. We got rid of it cause we wanted pom pom Xenia. Now I would kill to get it back lol

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I'll have another 1 to research for you. I'm in the process of switching out my tanks, and had 1 of my power strips on the ground. Guess the dogs stepped on the strip and turned off the pumps. They were probably off for 12 hours. I lost my flame angel, beauty and dottyback. They both were my favorites, because of colors. There is a healthy flame angel that I've seen for weeks at a LRS store. Going to pick it up tomorrow if it's still there. Going to try to find a beauty too.

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This is bittersweet for me, as my Coral Beauty died yesterday (I'm thinking of old age).

She was a model citizen - never saw her nip at the zoas or xenias in my tank. She was BFF's with my 6-line wrasse and even got along with the female maroon clown. Actually, she ran interference when I used to have her and a few other fish shacked up in a 29g BioCube with a spotted hawkfish - if he picked on anyone, she put herself between them.

I'll miss Big Mama.

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sad to say that I lost my Beauty, I first thought it was just sand dust and realized it was the dreaded ich. Before I could get the hospital/qt tank put up I lost her. I cannot wait to get my 75g up and running to be able to get to my fish and corals easier in the event that something happens and I have to remove them for treatment.

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I had a coral beauty in the past that would eat Xenia and nothing else. He used to kill it every time I added it. We got rid of it cause we wanted pom pom Xenia. Now I would kill to get it back lol

That's a priceless angelfish for sure.

I wouldn't risk a dwarf angel in a nano. It seems like every one I've ever heard about eventually went to eating or nipping.

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sorry to hear about the loss, but every where you look up dwarf angels, they say reef safe with caution, now with my last incident with my keyhole i will not risk it again, i do not need the thought of a fish tearing up prized coral, so my thought is that i will never put another fish , unless its totally reef safe, in my reef tanks, not worth the gamble imo, i spend too much money and time to keep my coral, and stress more about them then almost anything( sad to realize lol) so i dont need more stress, but you know what thats what fish only tanks are for right,

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Yeah, definitely depends on angel. I picked up a beauty and flame, and they are doing good with my corals. Picked up a half black 1, and all it does is pick on my corals. I haven't noticed any of the corals being damaged, but 1. I just moved that 1 to another tank. Not sure on the name of it, but it's similar to a brain coral, but more color.

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sad to say that I lost my Beauty, I first thought it was just sand dust and realized it was the dreaded ich. Before I could get the hospital/qt tank put up I lost her. I cannot wait to get my 75g up and running to be able to get to my fish and corals easier in the event that something happens and I have to remove them for treatment.

Sorry that happened to you. The beauty is a beauty. Angels are my favorite. It is a very delicate fish and susceptible to ICH. In similar situation. I just started up a 90g, that had limited fish in it. So I decided to just throw them all in at once so no fish will have a territory established. I went and spent quite a bit of $ on livestock. Well, somehow I got ICH immediately. Believe it was on the angel picking at all the coral. Trying garlic extreme and Zoe at the moment, and after 1 treatment looks much better. I need a qt tank too. It's in the works.

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