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The diatoms you see each water change is definitely silicates and hopefully your test kit will confirm that in your RO water. I'm sure the algae itself was caused by the blockage. It will basically concentrate the nutrients in your DT and not allow it to be processed by your ATS and media reactors in your sump allowing it to just fester in the DT.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after a year of running skimmerless on my new tank I have finally pulled the trigger on one.

After a lot of researching (aka asking help from Ty) I ended up getting a SKIMZ Monzter E- Series External from AquaCave.

This will be part 1 of my 3 part upgrades for my tank this year so stay tuned.

I need to also shoot a couple pics of how the tank is coming along after I got the blockage removed but its looking much better.

I started dosing my fresh saltwater since it was causing my parameters to fluctuate too much weekly and that has helped and I just got in a refractometer to make sure I'm spot in with salinity and a handheld PH probe.

I'll try to get a pic tonight if I can.

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New Skimmer is in! It's a Skimz Monzter Series M122 External which is rated for 200 gallons. I just need to run to Home Depot and pick up some fittings and figure out where I am going to place it.


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Those Skimz skimmers are solid! Well thought out designs and made from heavy duty acrylic. It's nice that yours doubles as a vase as well.

Mine is an internal one and I can't tell it is on half the time since it is so quiet.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since I am running my skimmer external my wife got me this little cabinet and lamp.

I had to trim the skimmer base a bit to get it in there but everything fits and looks good.

What do you guys think?



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Fanciest skimmer I've ever seen! Can be used as a vase or a side table with a lamp! Classy!

If it were me, I'm prime the heck out of the inside of the cabinet and drill a hole in the back and run the skimmer air line out the back.

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Got the inside painted a nice blue that's leftover paint from our kitchen. I had to steal a cup organizer and dremel 2" off the legs to make it fit perfectly (the wife was not too happy that I stole yet another kitchen utensil for my tank). The collection cup just barely squeezes out but it's manageable. Hooked it all up last night and 8 hours later I already had 1/4" of dark skimmate. I also pick up a bottle of 100 proof vodka for $5 and will begin dosing vodka today. I dosed vodka in the past but I don't think it did much since I had a crappy HOB skimmer so I'm looking forward to some real improvement in my tank. I'll try to snap some before pictures tonight.

post-1271-0-18750700-1402498222_thumb.jpg post-1271-0-69687000-1402498236_thumb.jpg

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I am having the worst luck on getting my temperature up. My heater broke almost 3 weeks ago and dipped my tank down to 58! I bought a 500w heater off ebay but it had a short somewhere so I had to wait on a replacement. In the meantime I bought 2 different 300w from 2 different LFS and still can't get my tank over 66 degrees. For some reason a 300w in one brand is significantly different that a 300w in a different brand. I just placed another order for my 5th heater which is the Aqueon 300w that I had originally but I'm unsure how long it'll take amazon to send it since their 2 day delivery has been questionable.

Thankfully through this whole ordeal I've only lost a couple pieces of SPS and 1 LPS but no fish but this is ridiculous.
Yet another reason why I will be getting a tank monitor soon.

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How in the world did you get your tank so cold? How cool is your house? I'm glad you haven't lost too much and I hope the newest heater does the trick! Also, I assume you're sure your thermometer is accurate?

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Wouldnt just touching the outside of the tank give a huge difference between 58 and 85? At work just by touch I can tell if the goldfish system is 3 degrees too cold. It stays around 68. The plant tank at 80. Very noticeable difference between the two by touch

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ahhh **** chinese probe manufactures! a fan over the top of tank, frozen cubes of rodi, or a water change with water mixed in a cool place have all helped me get temp down. A fan to help increase evap has been the most consistent.

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I ended up turning the heaters down and changed about 5 gallons of water and that brought it down to 82.4 so I'll mess with it more when I get home. I unfortunately don't have the 3 degree difference touch.

It's more like it's hot because it's starting to hurt and it's cold because my fingers are shivering.

It works the same way when there is a current in the water. I shock myself multiple times to confirm I am getting shocked.

Since I got a new skimmer cabinet I decided to redo my stand. I ended up using pallet wood and threw it on hinges so now only the sides are velcro but I'll eventually get to them as well.


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  • 6 months later...

It's a New Year so I thought I'd update everyone on my tank. After my heater fiasco and with work, vacations, and so many other things I ended up losing all of my SPS.

Turns out it was a clog in my return line and that caused my tank to crash.

Surprisingly I only lost 2 fish but I did lose a lot of my LPS including my duncans and frogspawns. GSP and mushrooms came out the least unscathed.

I can now say I have my tank back to stable and hopefully better.

I picked up a Reef Angel and it really wasn't too hard to figure out other than trying to open a port on my network (the problem turned out to be a double firewall)

It came with the standard PH, Temp, 8 box combo and I was able to pick up a wifi attachment as a Christmas present to myself after winning $100 on a lottery ticket.

I can now check on my tank every time I get a chance via the app.

I also picked up a calcium reactor so that should help with dosing when I go out of town and keeping everything stable.

My wife gave me the green light to buy a clam for Christmas so I'm waiting on enough people on a LiveAquaria GB so I don't have to pay shipping.

I still need to skin the sides of my stand but I did pick up some pallet wood yesterday so maybe this weekend I will have time.

I also need to reconfigure my lights to use just BMLs and have them on 2 bent conduits. Still in the planning stages since I want to be able to raise and lower them.

Feels like I'm starting from scratch on corals again but at least I love this hobby enough to not quit. Here's to a New Year and hopefully an awesome tank.


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