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Next Level H2O


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I'll snap a couple FTS pics tonight but just wanted to get this update out and see if you guys had any opinions. I'm pretty sure my long nose decorator crab pulled half of my RBTAs tentacles out. Has anyone heard of this happening? I'm sure my RBTA will recover but I wonder if I should banish the crab. He's done a splendid job tackling my algae bloom I had but if he's going to go around now destroying stuff then I don't want him.

I also think I lost torch. Not to him though and not to brown slime or anything else. It just receeded one day and never came back out. I'm keeping an eye on it but it's been more than a week now.

Everything else in the tank is doing awesome. I need to buy some magnets so I can put some monti caps on my back wall and still hook up my ATO to my kalk reactor but it's been a busy month and I haven't had time to run to the store for tubing.

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I don't know about the crab, I just wanted to say thanks for posting an update! I've been wondering how your tank was coming along. Don't forget to post pics later!

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Psuedochromie that I usually never see made an appearance since I was snapping pics.


Here's the crab caught red handed feasting on my RBTA. He'll be in the for sale section soon. He's great with algae but I guess when there is none he finds something else to munch on. Sorry for the poor quality. I grabbed my iphone and flashlight when I saw him last night.


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The anenome looks like all his tentacles have been removed or he just got them all retracted but he's still kicking. He's on the other side of my tank by the base of my tonga structure and he's attached so given that some people's RBTA have gone through power heads and survived I'm sure mine will make a full recovery.

I did make a big mistake which luckily hasn't turned into a mistake. I banished my crab to my sump and completely forgot thats where my yellow banded brittle sea star is but luckily both are still kicking.

I went to lowes on my way home and picked up a 2ft piece of reinforced tubing for my sump which turned into an all night project since I had to drain 10 gallons of water then had a leak due to a loose bulkhead.

I had a piece of clear tubing that kept kinking and I even used a heat gun and tried to bend the kinks out of it but I started getting a lot of micro bubbles in my tank. Although I wanted to replace the piece of tubing that wasn't the culprit. It turned out a snail got lodged in my 90 degree elbow inside the tank and caused a major block. Where can I get some sort of snail guard grate to go over a 3/4 bulkhead?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Took the camera out to take some updated pics. I'm going to start feeding my tank daily and I added a bottle of Agramight to my kalk reactor to battle the swings I've been having with my alk/cal dropping thanks to Tim.



My RBTA that's recovering after getting all it's tentacles taken out.


Sea Apple that KimP traded me for my long nose decorator crab.


Diamond Spotted Goby that I got at a strip club


Pink birdsnest


Toadstool and RBTA I got from Bio


Anyone have any other color toadstools? In 2 weeks or so I plan to pick up some acros for my tonga branch side.

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Ok it's not too bad. When the ATO kicks on and with the lights off you can't see anything at night but by the morning it already starts clearing itself up.

I tested my alk last night and I was at 4.1 which is awesome because I was having problems with my alk dropping drastically.


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4.1 Meq/L or 11.5dkH. for the longest time it would hover at 3.1 since everytime I put in .5 which is the max daily per BRS it would just drop back down the next day. If I did .5 in the am and .5 in the pm then I could get it to keep the extra .5.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick update since I've been slacking. Per the advise of Tim I increased my feeding to a cube daily. I thought this would increase my phosphates but everything is doing great. I threw the acans I had in my LOST pico tank on the ledge but I'm not sure if that'll be their permanent home. I just recently glued the caps to the back wall and I may of lost my green cap that I got from Ty due to my stupid GFCI issues I have. My brother is going to swing by in August to put it on it's own breaker. I also picked up a couple Battery Backups from my work but there must be some back feed on the line since it'll still trip it even if the batter is the only thing plugged in. I have it plugged into my theater server for the last couple of days now with no issues so it's something with the wiring. Does anyone have any mushrooms available for cheap?


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Thanks to Juiceman I added a couple of mushrooms upside down on my ledge. I have a spotlight LED on the top side of the ledge so hopefully the shrooms grown and multiply upside down and won't creep up to the top side from the brightness.


and here's an updated FTS


and a brief vid

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