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Next Level H2O


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I wanted to start this build out with a victoly approved pic for you guys.

90 gallon rimless built by Planet Aquarium

In the coming days I will be providing updated information regarding my new tank so follow and stay tuned.

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Here's a couple pics of the tonga branch tree. I actually snapped these pics last night because I wasn't satisfied how the shelf didn't look level in the tank

I got the inspiration from here: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=1288059

I used JB weld on 90% of it and used Quikrete Hydraulic Cement that Capt. Obvious let me borrow to do the final 10% and smooth out the missing branch connection pieces as well as secure it to a piece of eggcrate for stability. For my DIY frag bases I used the orange fiberglass realtor sign post and did the cuts using a diamond tip cutting wheel on my dremel.

This allows me to move frags in and out easier and looks much better than a frag plug which never truly disappear.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still a little hazy from adding the sand last night but it's coming together nicely. My BML strip is ready for pickup and thanks to the Hall's I'll have it in a new canopy by the end of the week along with my other lights.

I did have a jumper sometime between last night and early this morning due to the dusty tank. My yellow watchman goby was found on the floor. At first I thought it was my dog leaving me a poop present after she just went outside so I grabbed toilet paper to dispose of it when it wiggled and freaked me out. I have him in a tupperware container in the bathroom so hopefully he recovers.

I also found my long nose decorator crab this morning that was MIA for a couple of days since I got him. He was messing with my RBTA which is why it's not opened in this pic so I shoo'd him away.

On the to-do list is to add another rock to my column to give my column some more height, pour some more sand on the back side of the column and level it out some,finish up my canopy with hinges and springs, and prime my canopy with some killz white.


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RIP Watchman. He didn't make it from his jump.

On the plus side I was able to get my BML lights picked up last night and turned it on over my tank and wow what a difference. I can't wait to get it set up. Hoping to have it set up by this weekend.

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Need some advise/help with trying to get my canopy up. The Hall's helped me build it and it came out awesome. I now have all 3 lights hooked up and I'm guesstimating around 30 -35lbs total.

It's supported by 2 1" pipes on each side of a 2x4 and drilled into the middle of a column that I have drywall ancors in. I think they were 75lb ancors or greater. When I had everything up the front tilted down at about a 20 degree angle which was too unsafe so I attempted to secure it at the top and not utilize the hinges I installed but that didn't work out.

What are my options? I have hinges so I can lift it up a bit to be able to get in my tank if needed and I'd like to use it like that if possible. I can't really get to the entire column easily because idealy I'd just rip it out and throw in a crap load of 2x4s then re-dry wall.



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The column is likely there for support so I don't think removing it is a good idea. You can try adding arms (or fingers, that;s what they call them on HGTV when building floating shelves) to the ledger board before anchoring it to the wall. This will support the middle section. However it might restrict you from using hinges. That's how we supported our canopy.

Are you not able to find a stud's in the column? That will keep it much more secure than using anchors and may help keep it was drooping.

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A few questions.

1. Is it sagging at the wall or in the canopy. Ie: is the top of the canopy pulling away from the wall or flush with it?

2. How many anchors and what pattern are they in. You do not want to attach them in a single line, you want some high and some low.

I don't understand what you are saying about the pipes and column. Can you take some pictures of the wall area and the back of the canopy? Like an FTS shot, but not exactly. Or make a little sketch would help too.

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I don't think the canopy was 100% flush on the back due to the weight of the canopy pulling it down. As for anchors I only have 3 in a straight line.

I basically need a way to either reinforce the wall. If you look at the first pic with the holes in my wall that's the colum which sticks out 5" or so from the wall and the 1" pipe can be seen on the left side.

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I think the 1x4 picking up any studs you can is a good idea. Be sure to use at least 2 bolts per stud, one top and one bottom. The problem you are running into is that the single row of bolts of bolts is more or less a hinge. You are ending up with a pivot at the bottom edge of the canopy putting the drywall anchors in a lot of tension. If you can get 2 rows in the canopy as well, without hurting your hinge operation, then you will be better off.

I do not know what mrshall's finger is, but it sounds like it is trying to also distribute the load so you are not just prying out your fasteners.

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LAG-BOLTS ...that is all I have to say


I have 6 175LB lag bolts holding up my 60 LB tv.... I have literallly hung and bounced on the tv mount without issue :)

This is not the same thing. Think about a crowbar. Yours is 3" long and his is 20" long. Also the tv is probably mounted with 3 bolts 10" below the top one..

Keep in mind that the ratings you guys a quoting are probably shear and his problem is tension.

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