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Quarantine question


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I don't know anything of them carrying disease either but I can see putting them in something else for a while to sort out the ones that didn't make it through shipping. I hate dumping a bag of snails in only to find out I littered my sandbed with a bunch of empty/dead snail shells. That's if you order them.

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Good point Kim. That's what I did when I ordered my original clean up crew and your'e right, i littered my sand bed with a bunch of empty shells. What would I feed them while they're quarantined?

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Thats a good idea. I've got tons of empty shells on my sand (the small cerith snail shells).

Trying collecting them all up and sticking them in a tub, anything that crawls out was still alive, after 3 days its out of the tank and a clean sandbed!

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