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Sick Scoly


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Over the last month and a half or so my scoly has slowly been shrinking. I've had it about 4 months. It's now about 1/3 of the size it used to be. When I feed reef chili it would always open and extend it's tentacles to eat. When the shrinking began it stopped doing that. I've not added any new fish, just a few corals here and there and there's been nothing near it. I moved it to as spot where the lighting is a little lower and very little flow to see if that would have any affect but it didn't. The water parameters are very consistent. Any ideas what may be going on?

Testing today:

Sal - 1.024-.025

Mag - 1425

Kh - 9.3

Cal - 500

Phos - 0

Amon - 0

Nitrite - 0

Natrate -0

Ph - 8.2


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I've killed two of these before realizing that they can get burned out really easily. I managed to rescue the third by putting it in very low light. What type of lighting are you using? I would try putting it farther up under the rockwork so it's getting very little light. Then continue to target feed, keep alk and mag steady, and keep the hermit crabs away from it. As Hunter at Aqua Dome once told me, when it gets to this point it's sort of up to the coral to live or not, but I've seen worse come back and look just fine!

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If I were you I would contact migs. I doubt there is anyone else on arc that can help you more than he can, he has worked wonders with dead scolys and made them look new!


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