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I am going to be setting up a 55 gallon tank. The tank is drilled and I will be getting PVC elbows to use as overflow. My questions are, what is a reef safe black paint that will stick to the PVC elbows good and won't release chemicals into my water. Is there any point to cutting notches into the PVC like you see on over flow boxes or can it just be smoothe and lastly for a 55 gallon reef, primarily sps what gph return should I get?

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OK sweet thx fellas, yeah I need to touch up some spots on the back glass too anyways. Do y'all think the krylon fusion will adhere to the glass OK as well? Should I sand the PVC to take off the glossy coat first?

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notches (teeth) are for surface skimming as well, without them you can develop a film on the waters surface

How have you seen PVC used where it wouldn't surface skim? I've use multiple overflows without teeth including PVC elbows and certainly did not need teeth to keep the a film from forming on the surface.

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notches (teeth) are for surface skimming as well, without them you can develop a film on the waters surface

How have you seen PVC used where it wouldn't surface skim? I've use multiple overflows without teeth including PVC elbows and certainly did not need teeth to keep the a film from forming on the surface.

Yes, generally with tanks with lower powered return pumps.

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notches (teeth) are for surface skimming as well, without them you can develop a film on the waters surface

How have you seen PVC used where it wouldn't surface skim? I've use multiple overflows without teeth including PVC elbows and certainly did not need teeth to keep the a film from forming on the surface.

Yes, generally with tanks with lower powered return pumps.

But how was the overflow set up? I've run as little as 1 1/2 turnoves an hour with just a PVC standpipe with no teeth (no overflow box) and gotten very good skimming. Seems to me as long as there's a drop over the weir it's going to skim whether or not there are teeth.

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I've personally seen the qt setup hydro had use normal PVC elbows and it skimmed ok but once we pulled it and added teeth it skimmed a lot better. One place it was really noticed was in the 15 gallon refugium that had weak flow, internal light that grew algae and film quick. We took PVC elbows and ran them over a table saw to cut teeth in, might even be the same ones miasma has now with that system.

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We took PVC elbows and ran them over a table saw to cut teeth in, might even be the same ones miasma has now with that system.

The same elbows, the refugium is setup on its own stand next to my 40, with the top off res under it.

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3/4" upturned PVC elbow with overflow strainer attached

I would say the problem was the strainer. I've seen a DIY overflow that only had slots or teeth just the width of the saw blade that would get algae at the water line and cause a film to form. I've done the same thing (Bio)3, it's a quick and easy way to make an overflow, cutting 1/4" slots or teeth effectively doubles the waterflow cross section over the weir which would increase it's pull on the surface film. I've also used elbows without teeth and built overflows without teeth and have not had a problem with a film forming so I was curious how the overflow Capt. Curious was familiar with was configured.

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3/4" upturned PVC elbow with overflow strainer attached

... I've done the same thing (Bio)3, it's a quick and easy way to make an overflow, cutting 1/4" slots or teeth effectively doubles the waterflow cross section over the weir which would increase it's pull on the surface film.
Tim, I think we are saying the same thing. I said it increases surface skimming. I think you may have gotten hung up on the semantics of my previous post. Bottom line teeth do assist in surface skimming, and insufficient surface skimming can lead to film. That by no means says that without teeth you are guaranteed surface film. coast-to-coast overflows,most of which are toothless have been in this hobby for a while with no film problems. But I think we all agree, when done properly, teeth on a weir helps with surface skimming.
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If you need to paint, Krylon fusion is 'reef safe' or so I hear, but I will caution you to let it cure for a week or two. My nems FREAKED when I painted eggcrate with it and put it on top of the tank. Seriously, they all shrivelled up and hid until I removed the freshly painted cover. Once I took it off and let it sit for 2 weeks, I replaced it and there were no issues.

IMO: It needs time to 'de gas' ... It reeks for days. Give it time. Don't paint and use right away. It needs to sit. smile.png

Smell it. Does it smell of chemical? Well then... Your fish probably don't want it around them. And honestly, even though folks say Krylon Fusion is 'reef safe'. It needs some love... That is my personal experience and I would still use it again. Just be careful for your fine finned friends. biggrin.png I do think that after it cures it is probably cool to use.

Keep in mind my experience is from eggcrate and such, not items painted immersed into the saltwater environment. I would like to see feedback from others who have painted items with Krylon Fusion and immersed them into their tanks. Have you seen any ill effects?

Durability? Any negatives? I'm interested in hearing thoughts.

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So I painted all the plumming today, it will probably be a week or so before I eunuch the tank so it will have some time to dry out good. I'll let you know if I notice any problem, I typically change out my carbon very often so that should help too!

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