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I just bought a new tank and this one is reef ready with a sump. This is my first experience with sumps. I'm curious, what is the difference in using a sump made out of a plain tank, like just has baffles added, or buying a made one from a company? They can be SO expensive!

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I am currently about to replace a 18g CAD lights pro reef sump with a 40B with baffles I had cut at binswanger and installed myself, total cost was about $80. I now have enough room for all my equipment plus much more. Have a nice frag/liverock area aswell, plus the increase in water volume is great.

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Hype in my not so humble opinion. grin.png I typically just use a simple sump without baffles and no light, it doesn't take long for cryptic stuff to start colonizing. For lighted refugiums eggcrate works to keep macro's out of pumps and a black acrylic divider can still be set in place to section off an area for cryptic stuff if you want.

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I'm a similar situation as Kim. Never had a sump before and I'm thinking I want the typical refugium with macro or mangrove on reverse photo period and a separate cryptic zone. Or maybe the 'apartment style' sump where live rock chaeto is suspended above the cryptic/benthic zone with eggcrate. Crypic zone sounds cool with the different stuff it harbors.

Following along. I will post up some terrible drawings later so y'all can critique.

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Hype in my not so humble opinion. I typically just use a simple sump without baffles and no light, it doesn't take long for cryptic stuff to start colonizing. For lighted refugiums eggcrate works to keep macro's out of pumps and a black acrylic divider can still be set in place to section off an area for cryptic stuff if you want.

Very interesting!

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Companies have research and development, sales and marketing departments. ;)

So are you basically saying the expensive ones you buy already ready from some company are no different than the ones people make, they're just already ready? And you pay for the name brand?

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Yup, some have fun features like a sock holder, or a probe holder or some widget but all you are paying for is the company to stay in business...some times it is worth it...other times it is a glorified aquarium with partitions (see the old oceanic sump as well as many others) some are pretty cool (see life reef ...but super expensive)

You are buying a rectangular prism with partitions, who cares if there is a name on it or not...I can come sign yours if you want me to :)

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It's really easy and fun to make your own sump. Like mentioned above its cheaper, which is great to spend money elsewhere.

Here is one of my homemade sumps out of a 75 gallon that was given to me and 1/4 inch acrylic.


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. . . I can come sign yours if you want me to smile.png

I'll sign it too. Hey you can have an autographing party and everybody can come over to sign it and you'll have the most expensive sump ever! laugh.png

I've got some complicated sump/refugium setups but what predicated the decision was to maximise the water volume in a given space. With your setup a simple tank will increase your system volume by significant percentage of the display tank. What would be the deciding factor for me in going with a cheap glass tank or getting a custom built sump out of acrylic would be strictly accessability. I would say the only wrong way to do a sump/refugium is what makes maintenance much more difficult. Done with accessability and ease of maintenance in mind a sump/refugium can make life easier and simpler.

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I would get (Bio)³ to set you up with the baffles. I really like the design which mimics fishy business and others. I have had issues with micro bubbles entering in my display tank since I use just the typical set up. Once I get my 90g I'll come up with a better pipe system to try to fix the issue.

Just remember to clear your return pump filter. I blame that for my huge algae boom last summer.

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I'll gladly help you out if you want, I really like the design of my sump I took 3 sumps I liked and took only the parts I enjoyed out of them to make what I have today. I know the member funkness asked for pictures and copied it for his dwarf tank also so it must be working right.

One thing I HATE is bubbles in a system, with this sump I have managed to eliminate that, I've used filter socks because to me its easier to have a dirty/clean bin of socks and rip out the dirty and throw in a clean one, then once a week wash the whole load I prefer this to a giant filter pad but thats just me. (after all the dust is settled I pull the mechanical filtration to start building mud bed)

I can also add a swanky signature to it whistle.gif

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I'll gladly help you out if you want, I really like the design of my sump I took 3 sumps I liked and took only the parts I enjoyed out of them to make what I have today. I know the member funkness asked for pictures and copied it for his dwarf tank also so it must be working right.

One thing I HATE is bubbles in a system, with this sump I have managed to eliminate that, I've used filter socks because to me its easier to have a dirty/clean bin of socks and rip out the dirty and throw in a clean one, then once a week wash the whole load I prefer this to a giant filter pad but thats just me. (after all the dust is settled I pull the mechanical filtration to start building mud bed)

I can also add a swanky signature to it whistle.gif

<- desires sump help as well

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I got a fancy trigger systems sump that holds more water than my display! Sure you can put an ugly one down there or make your own and it works just as good! Its all personal choice, I spent 5 minutes buying it and 0 minutes cutting and building. I wouldn't mind adding my signature to yours either tho :P

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My sig might actual devalue your sump. LOL

I have a standard 30g tank, that I added only one baffle to, I used the baffled part for a refugium, less for nutrient exchange, but I do have cheato in there, and more to help build up and maintain pods and the sort to help "feed" some natural food to the tank. I use egg crate to keep the bigger stuff from flowing into the other part and getting sucked into the pump. I use a filter sock for the overflow to reduce the bubbles. I'd spend money on other stuff before I bought a purpose made sump, as you said, too expensive.

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