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Filter Socks/Pads and Polyp Extension?!


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My recent status sparked a lot of questions and comments so I figured I'd make a thread about it. On a suggestion from Ty who has EXCELLENT polyp extension, I removed my filter pad from my SUMP. This intern left only skimming as my source of mechanical filtration.

I have since seen a significant change in polyp extension. I took a few pics to illustrate.

I've had both of these for 6+ months so they were definitely used to my system prior to the filter removal.









There have been no changes in flow, or anything else.

That being said, I would not reccommend trying this in your system unless you are already stable and have little to no Nitrates or Phosphates.


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Very interesting, maybe excess food is not being caught making them think it's time to feed. Are you going to continue to run without a filter pad? I would be curious to see if the polyp extension remained the same after a week or two without the pad.

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Very interesting, maybe excess food is not being caught making them think it's time to feed. Are you going to continue to run without a filter pad? I would be curious to see if the polyp extension remained the same after a week or two without the pad.

I've been without the pad for 3 weeks now.

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That's interesting. I removed my pads thee weeks ago as I moved everything to a temporary 40 breeder. All my polyps are really out in the morning before lights on. My acans are even reaching out. So I turned on one light to see and everything was feeding. They retract some when the mp10 kicks on. Also I'm not running a skimmer right now.

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I remembered some obscure lecture in one of my classes about the amount of energy expended to extend polyps... if there was no net payoff for the amount of energy expended, that it was not in the coral's advantage to extend the polyps. So I figured, no detritus in the water column, the polyps would have no reason to extend... then the opposite must be true. I appreciate all who added their results and for Rory to bring it to light. I like it when we all have an opportunity to learn together... the theory is nothing without the experiments to prove it.


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+1 on the stable nitrate and phosphate. I prematurely removed all my mechanical filtration when my tank was set up in its early days and I believe that contributed heavily to the problems I have had. I now just use one very course sponge on my overflow drain pipe that is changed daily. It gets filled with Dinos an gunk. I'm afraid to stop using it! It catches quite a bit of smelly slime every day

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Agreed! Good catch! I believe most doing this have a pretty aggressive formula for removing nitrates and phosphates and an oversized skimmer. If your system is balanced, I would always hesitate to upset that balance.

Just shot a PE (polyp extension) video with my phone, sorry for the cruddy quality but I figured a visual would be appropriate. Just a quick note, you can see the detritus in the video very clearly. The video actually over emphasizes it, it's not nearly that bad in person. I've actually gotten more comments on how clear my water looks then anything else.

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