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Greenish yellow growth


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I've noticed a green/yellow growth (very thin and growing ontop of rocks where light is hardest) spreading in my tank. It is a 36gal bow 4xT5HOx24W/each with 50Ibs live rock set up for 2 months, 1 damsel (yellow tail), 1 firefish, 5 small hermit.

Can add photos if someone walks me through it. Im on mobile posting this and dont see an option. First timer here.

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how long has the tank been running? Algal films green and red will begin to form in the areas with high light and mid flow. High flow areas will generally develop a violet/red type of algal growth which to my understanding is another variant of coraline. Most of the time this type of growth occurs in new tanks, new rock, or a change in flow/lighting, or nutrient content. As Juiceman said, pics would definitely be helpful.

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