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i have no idea how you guys do this. do tanks that small even establish a cycle? i know it is impossible (almost impossible?) to get a stable cycle in a FW tank under 5 gallon. maybe live rock helps on these or are you just constantly futzing with them?.

they all look very nice. so, whatever you are doing, nice job.

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I used live rock in mine but I know people use dry and cycle it. Mine is totally on auto pilot, definitely my easiest tank. Literally all I do is a small water change once a week (or so :P ) and top off when needed. I have a dendro in there that is nps, so I give it a couple pellets once in a while. I don't have any fish though, so that would certainly increase maintenance.

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Stocking very lightly is key. Daily top-offs and weekly water changes help a ton as well.

One of the biggest problems with FW is that we accept an absurd amount of nitrates in the tank, which is a direct result of stocking 1"/gallon or more. If you setup a 5 gallon FW shrimp only tank, it's pretty stable. Add even a single fish, and you can throw it over the edge and never get rid of algae and nutrient problems.

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I do water change every two weeks and do little maintenance. As long as i change out the GFO and Carbon i'm good. Feed the fish every day just a couple of pellets and feed the coral twice a week with Reef Chilli. Other than that its easy. Also ATO is working pretty good so far.

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wow, thanks guys. good to know. my comment was actually more of just a complement, but now that you have said how easy it some of my wonder and amazment is gone. i no longer have the impression that you guys are tank gods :).

serously, though. they are all really cool.

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Here's mine. Took this morning.

That's looking really good! Is that dragon's breath growing in there?

Yeah, I moved some over from my sump in my other tank. Still waiting to see if it grows well under the current light. Lot more blue spectrum than my other tank so we'll see.

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Here's mine. Took this morning.

looks great. i like the rock stacks. also, will it be visible from all sides?

Yes. It's a true peninsula. I'll update my build thread with all sides shots. I really need to get that stupid dish soap bottle out of the picture. It's on the counter above my sink, so there's always something ugly in the background.

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Here's mine. Took this morning.

looks great. i like the rock stacks. also, will it be visible from all sides?

Yes. It's a true peninsula. I'll update my build thread with all sides shots. I really need to get that stupid dish soap bottle out of the picture. It's on the counter above my sink, so there's always something ugly in the background.

that is cool. i'm pretty excited about mine being visible from 2 sides and coming up with a rock formation that makes it look good that way.

just slide the dish soap to the side a little so it is behind the rock :).

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