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Hello! Just starting a new nano reef...help?


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Welcome and congratulations on starting a new tank! There are plenty of members here who are happy to get you started. We also give away easy "starter" corals at each of our monthly meetings.

Rather than asking for freebies it's best to monitor the Free forum for people posting giveaways or attend a meeting. The free forum is for members giving items away.

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I hear river city aquatics has super cheap dry rock. The price of things can be enough to turn people away from the hobby but if you put things to a budget, and buy gear in increments it's not too bad. Surf Craigslist daily, and the sale forums on here daily as well. You can easy set up a full system for a fraction of retail this way. Asking for freebies will rarely work for you though lol. You just gotta keep your eyes peeled.

Prioritize your basic needs, get the most expensive stuff first, and just work your way down from gear to livestock.

Personally. I'd get an ROdi filter, 200 gal box of salt, refractometer, mixing powerheads and something to mix/store water in. Before anything else. Study up on lights while you're purchasing that stuff.

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Welcome. It can be overwhelming at first, but there are many helpful people here. My first suggestion for you is to get yourself some live rock for biological filtration for your tank.

Thanks! I have done this in the past many years ago so I know about biological filtration. I have purchased bio-sand and a few pieces of base rock to get it going. A damsel is pissing in my tank as we speak... :}

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