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Fan for Biocube 29


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My biocube is running a little hotter than I would like. I need to drop things by a degree or 2 so I'm thinking fan. I've already upgraded to LEDs and have pulled the heater out. I want to put the heater back in and put a fan in but need something that will allow me to close the hood up. Any thoughts?

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Yes, but if the original fans are removed and not replaced that would cause additional heating issues and would be the first place to start. I upgraded my fans as well and that is a second option. The third item if the original fans are already upgraded would be to add a fan blowing in the back for the evaporation cooling Ian mentions. I leave both my front and back lids cracked open to help pull air across the surface of the water to help with evapation cooling.

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left the original fans in place and run them with the LEDs.

was really looking for something small that I could put in the back compartment that would push air over the surface of the water for evap. I currently leave the back open. I'd keep the front open also but the 21 month old would have a toy car in there faster than fast.

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