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How about a little eye candy?


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Time for me to get a Hanna chlorine drop checker smile.png

Either that or take the easy way out and add an extra carbon block.

I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy. NO ONE should ever have to go through pulling dying corals out of a tank one after another, and throwing them in the trash. Working all night long trying to transfer what is left into other tanks, and hoping that you don't crash them too with the sudden increase in bioload. It sucked royally. Anyone who has chloramines in their water should give serious consideration to adding a housing so that an extra carbon block can be added. It's not expensive at all, and it gives a real peace of mind.

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I agree that Randy is the chemistry god :)

But my opinion is based on info directly from the rodi god, Melev.

And, please, thread jack away. Sometimes the best things are learned where one least expects them :)

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