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cyano and Dr. Tim's Waste away

don duncan

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Chemiclean definitely works, but take the cup off your skimmer when you use it.

I take it you speak from first hand experience? :) Its like putting liquid dish detergent in a clothes washing machine. BUBBLES BUBBLES BUBBLES!!! What a mess.....

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Last week I finally gave up on siphoning cyano, after it exploded in my tank while I was traveling for work. I used Blue Life Red Cyano Rx, and it worked very well. Nothing seemed to be affected including corallimorphs, LPS, SPS, shrimp, crabs, fish, sea cucumbers, feather dusters, sponges and my turbo snail. The directions said to leave the skimmer off, which I did for about 2 1/2 days. As others have noted, the skimmate was really wet when I turned it back on. I changed out my usual 1 quart skimmate jug for a 5g bucket. It bubbled really wet for about 4 hours filling the bucket with about 3 g when it went back to normal. About 90% of the cyano died (a few little patches) which means it's manageable now. I can siphon that and try to keep my wife from overfeeding when I travel again. It did nothing for the GHA I've got growing now. I think the two dead rocks that I killed months ago to get rid of dino and re-introduced a couple of months ago are leaching phosphates, so I think I've got a mini-cycle going on.

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Did the usual 3 day black out when I had real bad cyano. Cured it and it hasn't come back now 3 months later...however, pretty much the minute the lights came back on began a horrendous dinoflagellate outbreak. Guess I always had a little but the cyano was out competing. STILL trying to win this one.

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