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Let's make a Controller, and other fun uses for Arduino

Capt. Obvious

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Just what exactly is Arduino, and what can it do for me?

So, maybe you have known about Arduino since before it hit the market, or like many others, maybe it is something you have heard about more recently, either way I hope you can find these post to be informative, easy to follow, and possibly, even mildly entertaining.

Now, I could simply post a link to the official What is Arduino post (or copy and paste it here) from the Arduino website, but what would be the point in that? (I assume we all know how to use Google) Instead I will put it in my own words. Arduino is, in the simplest terms, a tiny very simple computer. It is hardware and software, inputs and outputs, and pretty much limited by only by your imagination, budget, time and, well, lets be honest, knowledge level. In more detail Arduino is simply a tool, a tool that can perform any number of tasks (think Swiss army knife) depending on how it is configured. It is open source, you can buy any number of flavors of Arduino from many different sources, heckyou can even build one yourself. It is community driven, projects, such as the ones we will embark on together here are openly available, and there are forums dedicated to Arduino assistance. An Arduino can set Christmas lights to music, play fetch with your dog, track potholes on your commute, control a battle robot, monitor your home, monitor and automate just about anything.like, say, a reef aquarium (or a home brew setup, I am looking at you Jake). Arduino runs small programs called sketches which are written in a C+ like language.
Adruino comes in many types, for the ease of development here, I will be using an Arduino Uno R3+ and An Arduino Mega R3 (one genuine Arduino one from osepp available at Frys)
Let me also begin by making some assumptions.
#1 I assume you know nothing about electronics and/or programming/C+
#2 I assume you do not know how to solder or have a soldering gun
#3 I assume you have internet access and know how to use Google (or SE of your liking)
#4 I assume you know how to find a radio shack, frys, or purchase items online
#5 I assume you will ask questions if you are lost, stuck or confused
#6 I assume you can read (if not I could insert something insulting your lineage here and you would never know, but I will refrain it's probably not your fault, you are a product of your upbringing)
#7 I assume you are intelligent, and have well-honed logic and critical thinking skills.
#8 I assume you can follow instructions
#9 I will assume you want to monitor a reef aquarium (but I will branch out for other requests, if given a weeks notice or more)
#10 I assume you have access to a computer with a USB port (MAC, Windows, or some common flavor of linux)

WARNING: We are dealing with electricity here. Think Tesla and Edison (I recommend the Drunk History video on this topic), Thor, Lightning, Pikachu, that one time Godzilla ran into the power lines, umm, that electricity monster guy.


I am not responsible if you hurt, mame/injure, and/or kill yourself. I am also not responsible if you damage any pets or property. With that being said, the majority of the time here we will be working with DC (5v and 3.3v) with very low amperage, and you should be safe. However, we will be working with AC when it comes to controlling lights and outlets, so you have been warned. Just be careful.

Finally, I am using my own funds for this, and I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 tanks, a full-time job and a wife, I will accept any help anyone wants to offer on this/these project(s) (the Arduino stuff, not the job/family stuff) be it researching, testing, building, prototyping, 3d printing, donation of materials/components, or, yes, even funding (ain't too proud to beg and yes, I just quoted TLC) though none of the aforementioned are expected.

Coming up later : getting started: Connecting your new Arduino and setting up your first sketch

Now.go buy an Arduino! (radio shack/frys/online and probably other local retailers as well...if anyone knows of any, please let me know)

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It will have to wait until friday but ill pick one up. Any specifix type/model that is recommended? I know you said what you will be using. Will the tutorial vary if we get a different model?

It will vary ever so slightly...if you can spring for it...or find it buy an Arduino Duo (faster processor with as many inputs and more memory...more actually than the Mega 2650) if not get a mega, if not get an uno, if not get whatever...just not a lilypad, unless you plan on sewing this project into a sweater

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The Mega will set you back a cool $65 at the shack, the Uno a mere $35

and 50, and 20 respectively at fry's

Both exponentially cheaper on ebay

a "funduino" mega 2650 will set you back $9.99 + % shipping from china or $20.99 from the US with free shipping

the uno for 13 from china and or 16 from the us

or ...if you are daring you can build your own arduino for about $7

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Kind of depends on what you want to do. All you really need is the arduino board and the cable to connect it to your computer. You can play with it that way and get a feel for the system. Then what you purchase depends on what your goal is.

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The first part of the controller I will cover, most likely,will be temperature control. so acquisition of a waterproofed Dallas semiconductor ds18b20 thermal probe - ebay and possibly non-waterproofed one as well (and a pack of 4.7k ohm resistors - local) will be sufficient to start. However I would recommend a solder less breadboard and some jumper wires and a few component 2 pin LEDs from frys or RadioShack.

The second portion will cover keeping time and creating time based events so a Dallas semiconductor ds1307 real time clock from eBay

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no, just one or the other, I recommend the Mega as you can have more features on this controller over just the uno, but if you are only looking for a limited feature set an uno will suffice, but be limited by its memory and input/output connections on the amount of things it can do

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For months now I've thought about tackling a project with an Arduino, but right now my wife would probably disown me and kick me out if I start ONE more project! Hard enough to find a place to sleep on my own, but add to that about 1/2 a ton of a saltwater tank, and a dog... yeah I better pass. But I'll be watching this thread! snack.gif Oh my C++ is rusty, but I do C# development all day long so I might be of some help, just don't tell my wife! :)

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So help me justify the cost/time for me to build a new controller. I currently have a profilux controller that controls my tank. It controls the lights, skimmer, return pump, heaters, dosing, and monitors temp/redox/pH. I would like to eventually monitor salinity but the probes are darn expensive.

My justification on a new controller would outside of my reef, i.e., house lights, christmas lights, home brew setup. I think having a decent knowledge of arduino would be a benefit, right?

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So help me justify the cost/time for me to build a new controller. I currently have a profilux controller that controls my tank. It controls the lights, skimmer, return pump, heaters, dosing, and monitors temp/redox/pH. I would like to eventually monitor salinity but the probes are darn expensive.

My justification on a new controller would outside of my reef, i.e., house lights, christmas lights, home brew setup. I think having a decent knowledge of arduino would be a benefit, right?


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I'd like to participate as well especially with figuring out the temperature control because it seems like my temp keeps rising above 81 when the heater is set to 78. I'll pick up a board on my next paycheck hopefully but thanks for putting this all together.

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