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Richard's Frag Tank

Richard L

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the more i look at it, the more i load up my truck with a sleeping bag and start slowly creeping towards your house.

. Lol. Since there is no sump there's plenty of room underneath for you and your sleeping bag.
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Frag Tank w Snooki.jpg

I didn't want to be the first to say it, but there's no geode in the mock-up...~500 gallons total will be absolutely awesome. Are you going to go with the same LED's as your DT or something else?
Oh the geodes are there. I think you are underestimating the obstructive capability of Snooki.

I'm going with AI Sols. The cost for using Radions was just too much.

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Seen this tank in person, its gonna be so awesome!

Thanks Chris!

Got the lights installed last night. I'm using AI Sols suspended from ceiling. Four is a little overkill for the depth and area of the tank but I was able to get them fairly cheap from a store that was going out of business. My thought is that I can run them at lower intensity and the frags will more evenly lighted. I was thinking about a canopy but think the look is clean enough to leave it as is. To start, I'm running them off AI's controller but will eventually tie it into my Apex.


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Thanks Fishcraze! DAS (Dutch Aquarium Systems) is correct. Not to be confused with DSA.

Finally doing my water test now. The cashier at Home Depot calls me by my name now. Just realized that my beautiful frag rack that I made out of eggcrate and PVC has a fatal flaw. It floats! I could fix it but I think I'm going to just use heavy frags to weigh it down.

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Yes, solid gold frag plugs were my first thought but they would be a little too gaudy. I know a guy who can get his hands on some moon rocks thats putting together a quote. I should probably start a group buy to save on the shipping.

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Water test found no problems. Was able to make enough RODI water last night to fill it up and add the salt. Hooked up an expansion module to my DT's Apex controller and setup a temperature probe and a heater. Temperature is 77.8 (matches my DT perfectly) but my salinity is still a little low so I'm still slowly adding salt to get it up. Anxious but scared to open up the return on this bad boy.


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