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Diamond in The Rough!


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good question!! I haven't cleaned it yet but looks like i'm going to need some type of filter wrapped on a stick. I can reach around and wipe the glass but it's when i'll have the coral that i'll run out of room. For now it doesn't seem that hard...

I have an 8gal cube that is impossible for me to scrape/clean the glass in some parts because of coral growth and even just the rock placement. What I've figured out that works perfectly is to use the nimble nano (I have an extra if you want one) with a slice of magic eraser between the glass and inside side of the nimble nano. If that makes sense. Keeps my hands out of the tank too. That's just for stubborn spots. Usually the nimble nano alone is great but sometimes I get lazy and go too long without cleaning the glass :) I'm certain this would work with any strong magnet glass cleaner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Thanks bud haven't talked to you in awhile. Yeah the tank is doing good but i haven't given it the time it deserves. Been working waaaayyy to much and i mostly concentrate on the big tank. But everything is healthy and my Oscerlis clown is getting bigger. Need to catch him and place him in a bigger tank.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mee three! Well i try to change out the water at least once a week. Running the GFO in the Rena helps a ton. I don't have any stony corals (except the trumpet coral) in there ,just soft and i always dose 1ml of Trace Elements. Thats about it. I'll check the calcium and dkh from time to time but the reef crystals salt i use has everything in it. My real indicator that i need to change the water is when the trumpet coral starts to deflate. Change the water and they get plumped up again. Like i said, i really don't pay to much attention to the pico and it still does better than my other tanks.doh.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Well its only 5 gallons and its .250 inch glass. If my 55 gallon can hold that much water, this surely can. Anyway if it does unseam it will leak at a certain point and all i have to do is remove the water from the tank and reseal it. Easy Shmeezy!!!

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