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KimP 3gal Micro-Reef


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If the tank stabilizes, I wouldn't be surprised if it grows back over the bleached areas. Red caps are pretty much the only coral I've had to grow back over completely bleached areas over time. I've got one that was down to a few centimeters that's almost completely grown over again. Was about the diameter of a softball before I messed it up.

Agree, and as an addendum, most of my encrusting montis will go back over bleached areas.

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If the tank stabilizes, I wouldn't be surprised if it grows back over the bleached areas. Red caps are pretty much the only coral I've had to grow back over completely bleached areas over time. I've got one that was down to a few centimeters that's almost completely grown over again. Was about the diameter of a softball before I messed it up.

Wow that's good to know. I'll leave it and see what happens. I have a terrible time gluing these corals anyway.

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I'm a little late, but here's my final stocking, nothing has changed since last month as far as adding anything. The stocking and equipment list are found in the first few posts on this thread.


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re coral: great news. glad it is bouncing back. i also think (may have previously mentioned) that the little pin cushion is cool. i'd call it the hellraiser :).

re phone: oh no. that stinks. what thing to break. it's like you'd have to had dropped it on a pokey thing and just hit the lens. how odd.

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re coral:  great news.  glad it is bouncing back.  i also think (may have previously mentioned) that the little pin cushion is cool.  i'd call it the hellraiser :).


re phone:  oh no.  that stinks.  what thing to break.  it's like you'd have to had dropped it on a pokey thing and just hit the lens.  how odd. 

Yes it is weird. I haven't dropped it (yet) or anything and there's no damage to anything else :blink:

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re coral: great news. glad it is bouncing back. i also think (may have previously mentioned) that the little pin cushion is cool. i'd call it the hellraiser smile.png.

re phone: oh no. that stinks. what thing to break. it's like you'd have to had dropped it on a pokey thing and just hit the lens. how odd.

Yes it is weird. I haven't dropped it (yet) or anything and there's no damage to anything else blink.png

maybe you can frag it?

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  • 2 months later...

I didn't realize it had been so long since I updated. The tank is still running along smoothly. No problems with algae or pests or anything like that. Now that the contest is over the livestock now includes a cool little pom pom crab in addition to the small hermit and stomatella. I have had a problem all along with the zoas slowly shrinking away. I was surprised how small they could get and still open. I don't believe I lost any polyps. I finally made the decision Thursday to move the zoa rock to the 90gal where zoas are doing well. Now I'd love any suggestions on stocking since the zoas are out. It looks boring and somewhat dull in comparison. I am going to change the background back to black, I don't like the blue shown in the picture. Also the red cap is still faded but now that I've been on top of more frequent water changes, it's coloring back up. I think that's about it!





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After looking at the pictures side by side, I remembered I also moved the birdsnest to the 90. It's been growing and has it's polyps out but lost most of it's color. Hopefully it'll do better in the 90. It also appears I have an asterina to add to the livestock list.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes actually, I did! I put the zoa rock back in there :P I quickly realized it would be a mistake to ever put anything from here into the big tank because of the blue clove polyps. Don't want those spreading to my 90gal! Besides, this tank looks so much better with it in there. I have continued weekly almost 100% water changes along with turning the light up. Things are looking better. We'll see. I might just swap out some of the coral for more of the types that are doing well in there.

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I also decided to add the world's smallest shrimp/goby pair. I swear the shrimp is about half an inch, maybe! Both are eating very well they just haven't found one another yet. I hope they do soon, it's not exactly the biggest tank. They've been in there a couple weeks.

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Randall's shrimp goby and red banded snapping shrimp pair. Ideally I want them in my 90 gal but they're so tiny right now I'm keeping them in here so I can be sure they're eating and give some time to grow. So I guess this pico is now a quarantine tank.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Thought I'd quick update this thread. I snapped a few pics because when I fed the tank, the pom pom crab was right out in the front. I woke the tank up to feed and I haven't cleaned the glass in a while, so these are real-life pics of what it looks like lately. We just moved so it's going through a gha outbreak. Things will settle back down and look good again soon. One thing I'm finding interesting is the toad stool up top doesn't seem to have grown at all in the past year. Zoas do marginal/terrible, but the leptastrea is spreading all over. My next goal is to play around with a couple things and see if I can remedy this. Bump up the water changes being the first thing. Eventually maybe increase the light output. I run chemipure elite, so maybe try something else.

FTS after the lights had been out about an hour


The little fish I've had in there a good while. Any idea what it is? It flicks up that little fin on its back.



Another resident


Pom pom crab. He was sure hard to get a pic of.


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