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KimP 3gal Micro-Reef


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I would go with mostly cloves and zoas and rics rather than many corals which grow out into the water column much because they would enhance the pleasing balance of the 'scape you have now.

I have always found that I'm happier with the aquariums in which I started planning coral placement as soon as I got my aquascaping down, even though changes happen along the way as I find this or that which steals my attention. But that's just me.

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Just a couple I guess. I found a hitchhiker stomatella in there a couple days ago. I'm thrilled about that!!! I have a ton in my 8 gal and they do an excellent job of keeping everything clean. He totally cleaned up any diatoms I was having. On the other hand though, I'm getting some gha starting to sprout up all over. Trying to not get frustrated with that. I knew this could be a problem using that old live rock I had. So I need to decide what I'm going to do about that. I put in a bag of chemi-pure elite last night and I'll start water changes too. I have been saving frags and I'm anxious to get them in, but when I worked on looking up fmv for them I realized the coral budget doesn't go very far! So no big changes, just regular tank cycling stuff.

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Maybe a little GFO in your fuge since phosphates don't affect your cycle ?

That's what I was thinking. Doesn't the chemi-pure have some gfo in it? I thought I read that somewhere. I should find out for sure.

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Here is my fts for February. A couple days ago I grabbed a striped hermit from my 8 gal and dropped him in here to see if he'd eat the gha. I figured since there is absolutely no other food he might go for it. Woke up the next morning and it's almost all gone! I'm so relieved. I was thinking I'd scrap all the rock and redo a similar arrangement with dead rock. There is still a little gha left, so I'll wait until he's done and let it sit a while before adding corals to make sure it doesn't come back. Hopefully with the gfo in the chemi-pure elite and water changes, the algae will be done. I also have the refugium up and running with cheato. Hopefully that'll help too. I'm getting anxious to put something interesting in here!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've been waiting for the fts to be due to post updates, mostly to see if things were going to survive. Everything is looking really good so far and only the sps and one eye of rah are very recent additions. The others have been in there for almost a month and are showing growth. Maintenance has been a breeze, just a little water change about every week and top off at some point every day. I'm running the light over the hob filter at night and off during the day when the dt light is on.The stomatella and stripped hermit keep things really clean. There is a piece of gha in the back corner on the napthea that I'm leaving for the hermit to eat. Every once in a while I put in a tiny bit of food for the coral and cuc. Plus it adds some food for the cheato in the fuge. There is a tiny dendro I put in the cave. The skeleton got shattered when I fragged it so I was really concerned it would die. After about a week it started extending it's polyps out enough for me to feed it. I feed it a pellet or 2 every other day or so. It extends fully now, maybe more than when it was on the mother dendro! Okay here are the pictures...the dendro wasn't open until lights out so it's an ugly flash pic for now...





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  • 1 month later...

Not much has changed since I added the corals. I'm seeing growth everywhere except maybe the birdsnest. It's still putting out it's polyps but has lost most of the green color. These pictures were taken tonight after the light had already been off a while, so that's why most of the corals are closed up. I had removed a small rock that was growing all sorts of algae that the hermit wouldn't eat, and that lead to a small avalanche that messed up the part where the leptoastrea was sitting. It's on the sandbed for now and when I get a chance I'll try to get it back up on the big rock pile. I'm still considering adding a small fish, but not sure what yet. That would be the last addition as I've pretty much used up my budget coral-wise tongue.png It's been nice to just sit back and let it grow out!





The dendro has really recovered well! It's almost always out.

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