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Growing Coral on Back Wall of BioCube


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I'm considering attempting to grow some coral on part of the back wall of my biocube. I have the live rock set up so that the upper half of the back wall is visible for about half the tank. I don't particularly care for the bare black expanse and thought it might be nice to grow some palys or zoas on it. Anyone have any experience with this?

What's going to grow fast, cover well and look good? I would like to avoid a lot of red at this point as I have quite a bit of dragon's breath macro that is providing plenty of red.

I have medium flow on the back wall and have recently upgraded the lighting to Ecoxotic Panoramas using 1 12k white bar, 1 solid blue, 1 12k white/blue mix and 1 blue/magenta mix.

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Anything that meets those criteria has a potential to get invasive on the parts that you don't want it on ( I assume). Candidates could be green star polyps, xenia and anthelia. Most zoas/palys are going to grow at a rate much slower than the three I mentioned.

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I would recommend using magnets on the backwall. That way you can have a couple different ones but not have to worry about putting something like xenia that could throw babies into other parts of your tank.

I've been mixing monti caps w/ zoas so the caps can have the bottom of the rock and zoas the top. Not the best pic but you can see them up on my wall.


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I'm okay with invasive, as long as reasonable maintenance will keep it down. Besides it should be relatively easy to remove from the smooth back wall and then frag.

Do you think that I could get a pulsing xenia to grow up the back wall? maybe a pom pom?

Next question is how do you do it? I've read that you can just glue them to the back wall but that seems a bit odd to me. I've been thinking about gluing it to a magnet and then mounting it on the back wall so I can move it if I need to. Any thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe 4 months. I let it grow out about an inch on the side glass and cut it back with a kent scraper blade. Super easy to trim. Just cut it before it gets to your overflow teeth! Lol. I learned the hard way. jy7ydu5u.jpg

I should add that I started with a piece that was nearly 6"X8", though.


Edited by Scutterborn
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