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Another Algae Question


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I am getting a bright maroon fungus growing over some of my zoas. I can run my finger over it and it goes away but I think that is spreading it. Cyano you think? My phosphates got a little high so I bought a TWO FISHIES reactor and started using phosban. My nitrates are very low. I think my salinity may be a bit on the low side as well. Any other ideas?

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My vote is also cyano... I've had it grow as a thin maroon fungus-looking mat on my zoas too. Keep in mind that "cyano" is actually a classification of a group of bacteria, rather than a single specific bacteria, so it can vary in appearance. If it's only on the zoas and you're worried about it spreading, a peroxide dip might do the trick - can you remove that frag/colony from your tank?

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+1 on cyano.

I get it pretty much like clockwork when my PO4 is disproportionately higher than my NO3 such as when my GFO is exhausting. If you just started GFO you might wait a week or two and continue to blast it off with a turkey baster. Also, old light bulbs can contribute to it. If you have to, Boyd's chemiclean will knock it out, but that's a last resort in my book.

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+1 on the Cyano. Had an outbreak just like you were describing 3 weeks ago. Does yours have little air bubbles collecting on it too? My nitrates and phosphates were way out of wack. Once I got them under control the Cyano has receeded. I've been blowing it off too with a turkey baster because its fun to obliterate it. Probably not the best idea since I'm potentially helping to spread it around but it feels ever so good.

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+1 on the chemiclean!

While is it only a temporary fix, it will knock it out quickly (usually 24 hours). When its gone, you'll have some time to assess what it is causing the cyano (dead zone, old lights, too high of nutrient levels, etc.) while your zoas can live in peace.

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my lights may be getting a little weak. I am using t-5's and they are about 14 to 16 months old I think. Probably time to change them. I was holding off while I assessed going to LED's. I think I have decided to reamin with the t-5s for now. I have been using phosban in the two fishies reactor. I can use GFO instead or both, can't I?

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