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One of these is not like the others . . .


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Some of you have seen my 29 bio-cube with the maxi-mini carpets. My goal was to create a rock of maxi-minis. However, when looking at my tank in the past month, I have noticed that one of them is not like the others



Did you guess which one?


Yup, the blue one. Does anyone know if this is a regular carpet instead? If so, how big will it get? Could I sell it? How much are they worth?

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I would still be inclined to say it is a maxi-mini, just because of the coloration and tentacle size/length. Maxis can grow to be up to 6in in diameter, how big is he now? And how long have you had him? He could just be a better competitor than the others, or for some reason, that 2in to the left may have more ideal parameters causing him to grow faster...

Also, as a side note, I don't believe fragging would help. Aside from being inhumane (these are animals, not colonies of animals like coral...), you would end up with yes, a smaller one- which would eventually grow back and be equally as large...sortof a silly circle if you ask me.

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I would still be inclined to say it is a maxi-mini, just because of the coloration and tentacle size/length. Maxis can grow to be up to 6in in diameter, how big is he now? And how long have you had him? He could just be a better competitor than the others, or for some reason, that 2in to the left may have more ideal parameters causing him to grow faster...

Also, as a side note, I don't believe fragging would help. Aside from being inhumane (these are animals, not colonies of animals like coral...), you would end up with yes, a smaller one- which would eventually grow back and be equally as large...sortof a silly circle if you ask me.

You love the ethics quarrels :). Why is it not okay to frag an individual animal but it is ok to frag an individual that is a member of a colony?

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In response to Victoly:

I mean, starfish have the ability to regenerate when cut (like the anemone, if you get some of the mouth)- you don't see too many people advocating cutting starfish into multiple pieces to get new starfish. Because it can feel, and you damage a lot of tissue in the process.

In fragging a coral colony, much of the cutting is done through a calcified skeleton, without much living tissue with "feeling". Most people when fragging tend to remove the colony from the water, which causes the feeding tentacles and tissue to retract towards the skeleton- minimizing the live tissue that is cut. The colonies of corals easily re-grow the calcified skeleton portion without much metabolic change, as this is their normal growth pattern-outward, lateral expansion and propagation. The normal growth pattern however for say an anemone tend to be more radial, less lateral: with growth occurring radially around the foot and mouth, outwards from this epicenter. When you "frag" them, you force them to change a normal growth pattern. (And how does growing half a stomach sound to you? :P)

The counter argument would of course be the growth pattern for splitting- anemones split either when they're really mad, or really happy. When happy, they have the metabolic resources to leave a child. When really mad, they split as an effort to allow one of the halves to live- self preservation.

This is all IMO of course.

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Interesting discussion. I've always wondered about the effect of fragging on our corals as animals that could potentially feel pain.

Good to know everyone still thinks its a maxi mini. I'm not interested in a carpet that could grow over a foot large!

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We also don't know how the survival rate is of "fragged" anemonies vs anemonies that split on thier own. My own experience with BTAs is even when left to themselves occasionally one of the twins/tripplets will not survive after the split. I also know Anthony Calfo is of the opinion anemonies that are being propogated by cutting into smaller pieces need to be kept in a system only with other anemonies of thier own clone line and not with other clone lines or other species of corals/inverts while recuperating.

Teresa, if it does look like it's going to get a foot across I'm interested. grin.png

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Interesting discussion. I've always wondered about the effect of fragging on our corals as animals that could potentially feel pain.

Good to know everyone still thinks its a maxi mini. I'm not interested in a carpet that could grow over a foot large!

Oh the " do fish (and inverts) feel pain " debate is a whole other complicated discussion, lol. Far too much for an online forum. I can recommend a really great book if you're actually interested.

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I'm definitely interested! Animal intellegence fascinates me. What blew my mind was seeing research showing certain starfish populations demonstrating a social hierachy with ritualized display behaviour between dominate adults. That an animal without a brain (they have three nerve plexus stacked medially with their other internal organs but no brain like can be seen in shrimps) would demonstrate a social structure raises some fascinating questions about intellegence.

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As you've noticed, I've seen three types of carpet anemones: regular carpets (up to several feet), maxi-mini carpets (6-12" mature), and mini carpets (< 6" mature)

Does anyone know how you can tell if you have a carpet vs. mini carpet vs maxi-mini carpet? Right now, I just depend on the label given to them at the store.

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