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My 10 gallon DIY AIO frag tank


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Somehow I lost the original photos of the build sequence. This is my first DIY AIO, which was originally destined to be my quarantine tank. But I like it, so I think it'll go somewhere in the house...

Tank : AGA 10gallon

AIO 3 Chamber ABS Overflow System

Tunze 9002 skimmer

slimline media basket

Maxijet 900 return pump

hydor koralia pico evo mag powerhead

finnex fugeray 12" LED fixture

Budget: 100

Actual: 86.37

Waiting for silicone to dry:


Filling with water;



Testing overflow:


Testing lights;


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Finished the layout and mounting of lights. Topped her off with a 50/50 mix of FSW and SW from my active tanks. Tossed in some LR rubble from my vat.




Next, cutting an abs lid to accommodate the wire plenum I DIY'ed. Also finishing the magnetic DIY Frag racks. The magnets are really awesome, I may have to get some just to play with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Small update, without pics. FTS to come.


Dropped a chunk of rock from my other tank into 10g. It's teaming with pods, and had a chunk of gsp growing on it. Figured I'd go ahead and seed the tank.

Have been dosing bacteria in the tank, but stopped recently. It seems that it accelerated, and compounded 'milky water' syndrome. The bacteria blooms were so dense it killed off my damsel fish (plural) and made the water impossible to see through. Almost as if I dosed Ca.

About a week later, ammonia had dropped, nitrite was barely visible, with just a hint of nitrates. So I decided to transplant a few of my corals from my curing tank (which has become a perfect place to keep corals while my frag tank cycled.)

I started basic, transplanted some GSP frags I've been trying to grow out. Then transplanted a few frags of zoa's. Picked up a few frags from Dshel (thanks dave!) of Tubbs blue, eyes of rah, and fire and ice, as well as a frag of purple digi.

The lighting of the tank was sufficiently bright, but very yellow to my eyes. So I opted to replace the lighting with a kessil a150w ocean blue. WOW. These things are INTENSE.

Picked up a few frags from RCA. One Red Hornet Paly, 6 heads of Pink somethign or other, and a small ric.

The 6 heads of pink whatever, seemed to not really enjoy the intense lighting, as they were not opening at all. I moved them to a little more shaded area (I say little, because with this light, theres no such thing as a shady spot.) But they still hvaent opened. The Tubbs Blue aren't opening very much, and its quite maddening to think they may need a darker part of the tank. The red hornet paly suffered a mishap of my own design. I was moving my magnetic frag rack, and somehow tumbled the paly out of the holder, onto the rock bed. I attempted to pick it up, and in the process startled myself. (The door bell rang, and the dogs went crazy) Well.. the sad littly paly came flying out of tank onto the carpet and rolled onto the tile floor. I assumed it was toast at that point but put it back in the tank anyway. It immediately went into shutdown mode, it began shedding, and melting and within a few hours, had lost about 1/4inch of vertical height. The next morning, I noticed a bump on the base of the paly. I'd immediately thought I'd somehow caused enough of an irritation to form a cyst or a pock. But literally, within an hour, it started getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger... Within 24 hours, the little bump had become another paly. Sadly, the larger paly definitely sustained some damage to its tentacles, as some of them appear to either be missing, or tucked up in an aggravated state.

Here are some bad pictures of the process. I called RCA to inquire as to what the bump might be. I had mentioned it appeared to be budding, and was told they didn't bud or expand quite that fast, but the proof is in the pictures... (Look towards the base of the paly for the bud, sorry, I would have cropped it... but time was short..)

Zero hour:


1 hour later:


2 hours later:


3 hours later:


4 Hours later:


8 hours later:


Kessil is on in this pic and the next, the extreme brightness makes it very hard to photo. Also, the light is NOT as blue as shown. The Ultra blue colored pictures are with the moonlighting on.

10 hours later:


Kessil is on in this pic and the next, the extreme brightness makes it very hard to photo. Also, the light is NOT as blue as shown. The Ultra blue colored pictures are with the moonlighting on.

Towards the base you can see the bud is now a baby paly, complete with mouth.
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I'm loving that recovery progression. Also, the dimensions of the display part of that 10g are AWEsome. Nice job! the Kessil A150w is perfect for the size of that tank, too. I'm using mine to grow SPS primarily, with the LPS on the edges of the tank which are less brightly lit, and that's on a 15g. With that small of a footprint, almost all of that tank has to be lit to the max!

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Not sure, I designed it to be a mini peninsula tank, but I may go ahead and paint the back black for now. I've been using that plastikote spray paint, because it peels off easily. So hey... anything is possible! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Tank is doing great. Water is very clear and the light very powerful. I've cut the lighting schedule back to 9 hours per day and plan on ramping it up 15 minutes a week to end in 12 hour light cycles. Built a moonlight mount for the kessil to keep the moonlight up and out of the way, and low profile. Works great! I may have to build something a little brighter than the 3w LED I'm using now though.

The damaged paly from last week has not only made a great recovery, it is now spawning new buds almost every few days. One polyp has become 4 in a very short amount of time. Since then I've added the following;

Neon Candy Cane

Sour Punch Zoas

Candy Apple Zoas

Passion Fruit Zoas (Which look identical to fire and ice)

Mohawk palys/Variating star paly

Purple Digi

On order:

Tubbs pink sprinkles chalice

GOW Paly

AOG Paly

Red Acan

another Random Chalice




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OK I have that kind already. I'm always keeping my eyes out for new montis, and the solid purple is one I don't have yet. But if it's like mine that I have now, that purple base is going to look awesome under the Kessil! I kinda wish that was a display tank rather than a frag tank; it's got such a great footprint.

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I decided the moonlight was just too dim. Soo....






It isn't this blue. Just a crappy cell phone picture.


1 RB / 1 UV Cree

1 moonlight RapidLED Driver

1 3" Alum Square Tube

1 20mm Heatsink

1 40mm Silenx Fan

10 feet General Appliance 22Ga Paired Wire (Black)

1 1/4" drill bit

1 1/2" drill bit


Arctic Silver


Black Plastikote

Rubber Binding strap

Thermal Adhesive (Silicone Based)

Summary :

I love the RB. It's very crisp. It punches all the way to the bottom with a lot of intensity. The outcome of the experiment was pretty successful, however, I am having trouble getting the UV light to turn on. Either that, or I'm blind to UV. I have them wired in series (not very complicated..2 LED's...) Even tried to isolate the UV and couldn't get it to fire up. Tried the spare, same thing... hmm

Sent RapidLED an email explaining my situation, hope to hear back from them by the time i get back from AAF. >smile.png

Next on the agenda is to get a thermal sensor for the fan so that it can ramp up and down as needed. I saw one at fry's, but hesitated... The fan is very quiet, much quieter than the stock fan on my kessil.. (incoming mod?) I'm not sure this 2 LED setup really needs this much cooling, so, in comes the thermal sensor idea.. Also I plan on cleaning up the wiring quite a bit. I'm trying to leave things loose till I figure out what to do about the UV's.

Next big upgrade should be here next week. I decided to implement an RK for this little mini tank. I didn't want to go full blown Apex, as I'd really prefer that beast for my DT. I'm basically going to use it to control the lights and as a safety net for the heater.

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Just for the record... AAF is awesome.

Picked up 1 each of

Acan (not sure the variant)

Chalice (unknown)

Deepwater Zoanthids (unknown red/orage)

Deepwater Zoanthids (unknown Blue/yellow/green/purple)

Acropora (mellow blue with light blue tips)

Only have a few pictures of new stuff, zoas not pictured...yet.



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  • 2 months later...

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