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Pulled this tank out of storage finally. Officially been running since Jan, 3

Anyways, let's get to it.


Lighting - 2x 150w MH 20k, 2x 96w 50/50 PC

Power head - Sicce Voyager 2, MJ900

Return pump - single Mag 9.5 split for dual return (ghettofied).

ONLY 29 lbs of LR, so far, I'll add more when I see rock I want.


CORALS - Changed my mind completely with this tank. Bit of everything, for now.

FISH - Yellow Tang, Cleaner Wrasse, Melanarus Wrasse, Flame Angel

Here's some pic's of what I got done today (finishing the rest after this thread, really was itching to type one up).

Cheers snack.gif ,








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It looks like there's a lot of kinks in the tubing for your overflows and returns. That will probably become an issue. What do you have the return lines going to in the tank? I have some extra hang on nossels that I just took off my tank that you can have for cheap if you like.

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the pics were literally as i did it, i worked the kinks in the tubing out after i got it set up with needle nose and my hands.

It's still dry, have the rocks covered in newspaper til tomorrow. I do not have the nossels hooked up, was gonna buy some tomorrow ....and i may take you up on that. really trying to get water in the tank and possibly tweak the rest as i go. the overflows / return are set up, the rest is a work in progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update::

Filled with water (finally). Redid aquascape. Resealed the hoses/plumbing....have it sitting now to dry after the test. Still only 29 pounds of LR, adding another 10 this Saturday w/ some corals.

Pics when the tank is running again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks victoly, thought you'd like the new work haha. the risk wasn't worth it, the tank ended up leaking, etc. didn't want to put corals or fish in until i had everything the way i wanted, numbers have remained 0ppm across the board, 1.024 SG, 8.2 PH

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Finally some progress...

Tank has been officially "running" for a month.

  • LR cured in trash can with pumps/ water change since Oct. - No spikes / anything since Jan 4.
  • Changed from the test soft plumbing to pvc hard plumbed
  • 0/0-10ppm/0 :: ammonia/nitrate/nitrite
  • 420-440 ca, 1200-1250mg, 8.2-8.3 pH, 1.025 spg, at 78-80 degrees

Planning on:

  • DIY Calcium Reactor
  • SCA-302 Skimmer

I had thought about going skimmerless and relying on dosing/wc/etc, instead I think I have found a really good, cheap, alternative. I am going with the 302 rated for a 180g because I am planning on wet skimming. Also, I am now looking for a big UV filter, that's next....

Corals finally come in Thursday AM. Can't wait!

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Amen to that. The hardest part is the wait once it's setup. Patience is key though!

After this batch of corals I will be in Austin Friday to snag some more (from my brothers tank and from a few others).

It should be a quick jump start. After these are added, maybe one fish. Then back to waiting, monitor growth and stability.

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