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starter clam


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You've never had a clam before Ian? I bought a baby maxima from Aquatek last year for $45 and he's been doing well in my 10 gallon under LEDs. The most important thing I've learned about him is that feeding is the most important thing, I give him some oyster feast whenever I'm not in the field. When I miss too many days I can tell he starts getting lighter in color, but colors back up after picking back up on the feeding. I love having him, good luck with whatever you find!

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Negative. I've only had a reef tank for 11ish months or so. I've done saltwater before many years ago, and have had aquariums since I was very young. In addition, I work in a field that is pretty compatible with aquariums in terms of knowledge, but I agree it's surprising I haven't had one yet. I'm excited to try them as well.

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I plan to eventually do a top down view tank that will be plumbed into the large system, it will be loaded heavy with clams and dusters and other NPS items. That way I can shut off low to the tank, load with phyto and rotiers for a few hours and let it just do its thing to heavy feed. I'll then reapply flow and allow the giant skimmer to clean up the water. Not sure how well it will work but im willing to try and learn :)

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