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Getting rid of algae on frag plug


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I have a plug full of very nice palys that started growing a forest of bryopsis. I've pulled it off but of course it comes right back. Today I dipped it in full strength peroxide and only the polyps foamed, not the algae at all. I had pulled off all I could but some tiny pieces were on there still. Any other ideas? I've read others using peroxide to get rid of algae, is it normal for it to not react to the peroxide but the algae dies anyway?

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When I've done it the algae had no immediate effect, but then started dying a day or two afterwards. The zoas/palys would always foam and close up, but would come back in a day to a week. I wouldn't dip more than once a week or two if possible. I think you could probably do some major damage to the coral.

I gave up on the high Mg method. Kent Tech-M is the only mag that works from what I've read. I tried that in my 28 and had to keep it 2100 - 2300ppm for several months for it to be all gone. It then came back about 2 months after I stopped dosing it. I would dose H2O2 to the whole tank before trying the Mg method again. Maybe on a pico tank, but otherwise just too expensive and doesn't work in the long term.

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It really does seem to be in the mat. Brian, do you mean leave the plug in peroxide the whole day? I only left it a few minutes. On this plug is the only place I have seen it, thank goodness. I hope it stays that way.

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When I dipped a frag in the exact same situation as you Kim, it looked like nothing happened during the dip. After a day or so, the bryopsis slowly died off. I did a couple more dips after the initial once (1/week) until it never came back again. The zoas were ticked but nothing they couldn't come back from. Hope my experience with it helps.


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